Is it worth it?

“Is it worth it?”

I wonder if being in a relationship with someone is better and happier than being single and free?

I wonder if being in a relationship or being with someone is the basis of a happy, satisfied and contented life? The reason why people are always pressuring and asking you, “why are you single” and “when are you getting married?”

I wonder if being in a relationship and staying in a relationship with someone who doesn’t respect, who doesn’t love you back, who doesn’t appreciate you, who doesn’t value you, who doesn’t know how to take care of you, you makes you anxious and fearful, who makes you feel ugly and not enough, and who doesn’t know how to be loyal and be contented is worth keeping? Is it worth the pain and the heartbreak? Is it worth every drop of your tear? Is it worth staying awake at night? Is it worth worrying? Is it worth breaking your heart in pieces?

Is it worth it?

I believe we all want to be loved and to love. We love the feeling of receiving love and care from someone. We wanna feel valued and be assured every now and then. But, we sometimes rely and depend on the wrong person. We shouldn’t rely and depend on people, because assurance, love, identity, security and peace should only come from the unlimited giver, Jesus Christ.

If we depend and rely on people for happiness, assurance, love, identity, security, value, tendency is we’ll get hurt, offended, and will break our heart. Because we are just human–limited and sinful. That’s why we should only depend on Jesus–unlimited, gracious, loving, merciful, faithful and generous.

Is it worth loving Jesus Christ? Yes. It is worth your all, because He gave His all for you, including His own life, so you’ll live and be saved from your sins.

-Beauty in the Broken

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