Just be yourself

Being in your late 20’s can be full of pressure sometimes. People’s expectations will kill you if you can’t handle them well. One of the hardest is when you are battling with your inner self, and you can’t help but compare yourself with everyone else.

But one thing is for sure you will never be happy if you keep on pleasing other people. Sometimes, you are the only one pressuring yourself. No one is competing with you because we all have our timelines. You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone because your journey is your own.

Enjoy every single day instead of wallowing in worries. It is okay if you feel that you don’t feel successful because you define your success. It is okay if you are single for now because that does not make you anything less. It is okay to have failed dreams. It is okay to cry when you can’t take it anymore.

You don’t carry the whole world in your back, so don’t be too hard on yourself. At some point, go with the flow, but make the right decisions too.
