If No One Has Told You This Today, Please Know That You Are Enough

You sparkle in everything that you do. Your big heart touches anyone you love. And wherever you go, you can be somebody. Darling, you are enough. And I hope you recognize that.

I hope you know that even if it feels like you are hard to love sometimes, you’re still able to complete yourself. That acceptance and validation need to come from within and not having someone special doesn’t make you any less of a person.

You are enough. In the way you carry yourself. In the way you smile. And in the way you look at the world like it’s a magical place.

You are already whole person no matter how many times someone let you down. You are worthy of all the beautiful things in life just because. You’re capable and strong and resilient even if some days you forget that. You, alone, are enough. And if nobody has told you that today, I want you to believe it.

I want you to try not to falter despite not having someone beside you. I want you to keep the fire in your soul burning. I want you to conquer the world and achieve anything your mind thinks. Because you can. Because you’re powerful on your own. Because you are enough.

You can survive this. You can be your own person. And you can give out the kind of love that will change the world. So please don’t ever forget that.

Angelo C.

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