A Letter For You When You Just Don’t Feel Confident In Your Own Skin

I know insecurity can be an enemy sometimes. You look at someone’s plate and wonder why they have more. You try to compare yourself to them and get a tiny stab in your heart once you realize there’s something about them that you don’t. And this is a normal emotion to be having.

As a human being, you are programmed to keep up with the trend. You want to belong, to be included in the group, to experience the worthiness that comes along with being part of a unit. But I want you to please remember that choosing to be different is not wrong. In fact, it’s so much better.

It’s not going to be easy not feeding your insecurity but with tiny steps, you’ll get there. When you start to believe that creating your own path is cool too, you’ll see how able you are to rely on yourself. When you build up the habit of not caring much about what others have to say, you’ll find that you can be anything in this world without anyone’s approval.

Your confidence can only be cultivated by you. Sometimes insecurities come in your way but you need to learn not to give attention to them. Your happiness and well being matter more than people’s opinion. Your journey is unique and you should be proud of it, even though it’s not as good as the next person sitting next to you.

Someday you’re going to grow up and learn that it’s pointless to compare yourself to others. Because your story is all about you. And it’s more beautiful when you own it.

Angelo Caerlang

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