Dating Someone Who’s Already In A Relationship Is Never A Good Idea

Look, I know we’ve all been there. You fell for a person who is already taken. It might be an accident or on purpose. But either way, it’s wrong. Whatever angle you try to view the situation, it’s just not right. And never will be.

Think about it, if someone really likes you and they’re in a relationship, they will leave the person they’re with. You don’t have to wait. You don’t have to be the second option. If they can’t pick you first now, they aren’t really that serious about you. And chances are, you’ll end up hurting and being branded as the third party.

If the situation had been reversed, I’m sure you would feel bad. You would be upset and think it’s unfair. Because deep down, you know it’s wrong. Dating someone who’s in a relationship will never make you a good person. It may give you happiness temporarily but one day you will wake up and realize how silly you are for getting involved with a person who already has partner.

Forget about the sweet words and promises they told you. Actions, as always, matter more than words. You are worth more than being the side-chick or the third party. There are so much more options for you out there. And you don’t have to put yourself in complicated situations.

Find someone who’s going to make love feels easy. Being with someone who’s already in a relationship will do you no good.

Written by: Angelo C.

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