“Sex is sweet but there is poison in between the legs.”

(A Must Read)

Most downfalls of men are caused by MULTIPLE girlfriends.

Sex is a spiritual encounter I stand to be corrected, not every girl has a good spirit,some are demon, some has
poison in between their legs.
Some are killers and destiny destroyers, be careful. Worst is a man who can’t control his sexual urge.

A man who can control his sexual urge is a man who can live many years on earth.

1. Having many girlfriends does not make you a man. It only makes you a womanizer, a cheat, sinner and a boy.
2. A real man has only one woman(wife) in his life.

3. For the fact that you are good in bed does not make you a man. A real man is the man who does not run away from his responsibility but faces it squarely.

4. You don’t need to sag your trousers and walk round the street before girls will love you.
Infact it is only small boys that sag trousers and it is premature little girls that fall in love with men who sag trousers.

5. Don’t use and dump women. Remember the law of karma. Whatever you do, you will receive the reward.

6. If you cannot make her your wife, don’t make her a mother. If she can’t be your wife don’t sleep with her.

7. Do not obey your erection at all times. Most times your erections mislead you to the wrong direction.
Control your erection. Don’t let your erection control you. If you don’t you will have few days on earth with much poverty on you.
You may insult me but it doesn’t matter to me now, because am done telling you this.

8. It is not everything you see under skirt that you should hustle to eat, some skirts contain snakes that will bite you and leave you uncomfortable. Control your sexual urge. Self control and abstinence in most cases pays a lot.

9. Do not date a lady because she has sexy curves, boobs and shapes. Those things are just packaging; and
packaging can be very deceptive avoid such, don’t fall for what’s called the irony of Social Media.

10. Respect any lady that loves you. Yes, its not easy for a lady to throw her love on you and support your future.

11. Do not beat a woman, even if she is not your wife.

12. Real men don’t gossip. Learn to keep secret shared with you by a Lady that is what makes you a man enough to enjoy the comfort of a lady.

13. The world only celebrates successful men. Nobody will celebrate you for having many girlfriends.
Therefore, what is the benefit? Waste of energy and waste of protein.

14.Marrying a woman doesn’t mean she is your property. Treat her with respect. Make her your queen, love, honour and give her a reason to treat you the same. Remember, what you give is what you get.

Finally Don’t be a cheating man. You’re losing life. You think you are playing the game and winning, but you are actually losing.

You can get over on some women but you can’t fool your Creator. You will reap what you sow, so you better start trying to grow good things.

Juggling women doesn’t make you a man. Being honest, loyal & faithful that’s the trademark of a real man.

May God bless your relationship.


please read between the lines

Sometimes it’s better to move on than to hold on to a person who doesn’t understand you. Sometimes your absence will teach what your presence cannot…

Hey you, Stop breaking your own heart by trying to make a relationship work that clearly isn’t meant to work. You can’t force someone to care about you. You can’t force someone to be loyal. You can’t force someone to be the person you need them to be.

I’ll be real with you, sometimes the person you want most is the person you’re best without. You have got to understand some things are meant to happen, but just not meant to be. Some things are meant to come in your life, just not meant to stay.
Don’t lose yourself by trying to fix what’s meant to stay broken. You can’t get the relationship you need from someone who’s not ready to give it you. And I know it’s hard when your heart has labeled that person as someone you could spend forever with, but you just have to accept that they’re not that person anymore. And you might not understand WHY NOW, but I promise you your future will always bring understanding of why things didn’t work out.

It is better to be alone and be happy than to be in a miserable relationship…
Who ever sees you as an option doesn’t deserve to be a priority in your life, you call him honey but he treats you like a monkey, He is your everything but you are nothing to him, you are doing everything to make it work, but he keeps thinking you are desperate and turns all your efforts to weakness…

Never keep awake thinking about someone who isdeeply sleeping withsomeone else.
Never stay a minute thinking about someone who cant spend asecond thinking about you.

Leave that person who takes your love for granted and doesnt love you back the way you do,Love should be balanced not based one side.

Its better to be single than being in an ugly relationship that will make you cry forever.



Communicate even if it’s hard. Couples nowadays make a mistake of ignoring their partner and expecting them to understand what’s wrong when they’re not letting them know there’s a problem in the first place.

Talk about your feelings and open up. Don’t shove it inside and act like there’s nothing wrong. Are you feeling jealous and insecure? Let your partner know. Had a bad day at work? Let your partner know. Did your partner do something that you didn’t like? Let him/her know. The key is to be honest with your feelings and talk about it. If you can’t communicate effectively, the understanding will dissolve and you’ll be left with unnecessary fights that’ll lead to even more emotional distress.

Look, your partner cannot magically read your mind. Stop expecting them to “figure out” what’s the problem when you’re not even telling them in the first place. How do you expect to get taken care of and be understood when you’re confusing the hell out of them with your actions? That’s why good communication is essential for healthy relationships. You both have to be comfortable listening to each other. Talk about what’s bothering you. Be honest with yourself and open up. That way, your partner will understand you from a rational and emotional standpoint.

Be clear and transparent with what you have to say. Don’t interrupt your partner when he/she is talking. Remember, patience is key and you have to be willing to listen carefully and with open ears in order to be understood. This way, both of you will avoid misunderstandings that could lead to further resentment, conflict, and anger.

Talk about it and you’ll feel better.
