I will be the hardest girl to love. please be patient

To the next one who will love me,

I will never be the perfect person to love. I will be boring to talk to at some point. I will have bad days too. I will feel upset on things. I apologise in advance, if I tend to hurt your feelings unintentionally.

I am a work in progress. I have dreams for myself and you are part of it. Let us reach them together. Let us build an empire together.

Our journey will never be easy. At some point, we tend to fall out of love. We get tired of each other’s presence, but I am hoping that we find ways to keep the “sparks” and love going.

I will hold your hand so tight. I will hold on to that love. No one can break us. Nothing can break us. Let us withstand all the trials.

It will be me and you. I will not give up on you. I hope you do the same. ❤️

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