How to make your relationship work.

Efforts. A relationship will never work without the collective efforts of the both of you. It should not be one-sided. Remember, it takes two to tango.

Patience. When you are in a relationship, you really need to have patience. Be patient with your love one. Understand even more.

Communication. Your partner is not a mind reader who can read your mind if you are mad or something. Open up. Tell him or her what you feel so it won’t piled up.

Be mature. If you have issues with your partner, talk to him or her personally. Do not vent out your emotions on social media. Number one rule, do not display your dirty laundry online.

Say sorry. If you have made a mistake, own up to it and say sorry, but be responsible of not doing it next time.

Forgive. There will never be a perfect person and that is given. Even the kindest person gets mad. Every person has melt downs.

There will never be a perfect relationship no matter how hard you try. It will always have hardships, but since you chose to love and stay with that person, every hardship is an opportunity for both of you to grow as a person and to love each other more.

Words by: Neil Jed Castro

Best revenge

After break up it damn hurts as hell. It is painful to lose someone you have invested so much time and emotions.

It is pretty scary to start over. It is really difficult.

But what is the best revenge to your ex?

The best revenge to your ex is not about posting negativity about them on social media. It is not about spawning hate and bitterness to them. These would not help, you are only worsening the situation.

The best revenge that you can do is to be a better version of yourself. Look good. Feel good about yourself. They do not deserve your tears. Do not get wasted just because of someone. Never sacrifice your dreams to someone who is not worthy of you.

It hurts right now, but surely you will be okay. Be a better ex not a bitter ex.

Words by: Neil Jed Castro

This is how it feels to be truly loved by someone.

1. You do not need to explain yourself. You do not need to explain your past. He or she accepts every bit of you.

2. You are a priority. You do not need to do efforts to make him or her notice you. Time is freely given to you.

3. Consistency is evident.

4. Attention is freely given. You do not beg for it.

5. You know that all along the way, it will never be easy, but you know that you can surpass everything. He or she will make risks for you as much as you do for him or her.

6. You feel secure and you feel home every single time. You feel secure. You do not have time to focus on your insecurities.

7. You do not need to question your worth. You know that you feel valued. You know that you are loved.

8. You just feel like glowing. You just radiate so much positivity and happiness. You do not need to force something to happen.

9. You got each other’s back in your weakest point. You share each other’s agony. You do not feel alone in your struggles.

10. You feel being supported. No matter what endeavours you go through, he or she got your back. He or she does not become a hindrance in what you want to achieve in life. In fact, you are his or her inspiration to achieve them.

Words by: Neil Jed Castro


You are single for a purpose. You are single for a reason. Do not rush in love. True love takes time. It takes time to be with someone whom you will spend the rest of your life.

While you are still single, make yourself a better person. Chase your dreams, not people. Love yourself so hard so that once that someone comes in to your life, you can equate the love that they can give.

No matter how many times you got broken and rejected, never stop loving. Love makes the world happier. Someday, someone will love you to the point that you cannot believe that it is real. It will be one of the best things of your life. Trust me, you will be happier soonest.

Happy Valentines Day! 💕


age of a woman

It’s not very easy to grow up into a woman. We are always taught, almost bombarded, with ideals of what we should be at every age in our lives: “This is what you should wear at age twenty”, “That is what you must act like at age twenty-five”, “This is what you should be doing when you are seventeen.” But amidst all the many voices that bark all these orders and set all of these ideals for girls today, there lacks the voice of assurance. There is no comfort and assurance. I want to be able to say, that there are four things admirable for a woman to be, at any age! Whether you are four or forty-four or nineteen! It’s always wonderful to be elegant, it’s always fashionable to have grace, it’s always glamorous to be brave, and it’s always important to own a delectable perfume! Yes, wearing a beautiful fragrance is in style at any age! 👄


Open letter to the Father of my daughter

Why do men feel the need to flirt with other girls and grab girls attention when they already got someone who gives them everything.

Yes I am one of those millions of women who still believes and keep on hoping “magbabago pa sya” “magiging worth it pa lahat ng sacrifices ko” “mabibigyan ko pa ng buo at masayang pamilya ang anak ko” lahat naman gagawin natin para sa anak diba. It’s been almost 5 years and nothing has changed, You keep on flirting and worst, having sex with different girls you can’t even spend your free time with your daughter who keep on asking me “mommy punta papa” “miss ko na papa tawag papa” whenever she said that, All I can say is “busy si papa nasa school” my heart breaks into pieces whenever I look into my daughters eyes all I can see, longing for a fathers love.I dont have the strenght to tell my daughter that her father is no longer in our journey anymore.

But now I do understand my friends why they keep on telling “theres no point on trying via hindi na yan magbabago” “gosh pang bente na yan tama na” “he is not worth it” “let go di mo sya kelangan” and thanks to them because whenever you hurt me they are still here, I keep on ” papauto nanaman ako sayo” they are the one who supports me because they know na ” mapapagod din ako “.

Here I am now shattered into pieces,trying to dry up the tears that comes whenever i think of you. I’m now mending all those wounds you left and I am now starting to fix myself to become a stronger,fiercer, and bolder mother for my daughter.

For you, yesterday is the day that i won’t ever forget for the rest of my existence, I won’t forget that scene where you’re with a girl whose almost naked in your room and I wont ever forget the feeling I had that time. You know I have love you with all my heart kaya nga may TATIANA KEITTE tayo diba? Thank you for all the broken promises to all those hurtful words and for always choosing other over me and your own daughter. I would never forget how you betrayed my family. God knows how painful it is for us to be not your priorities.

Someday I’ll finally be able to let you go, let go of this pain I’m keeping in my heart, right now, somehow I should learn to be live with this pain. Someday when time comes, you’ll see me standing up on my own. A woman with a strong personality, a woman with dignity and a woman you’ll regret for not having. Hope you’ll learn your lessons, Babe.

PS : To the girl of my daughter’s father , I hope you or your future daughter suffer all the shits I suffered so that you know how it felt . I though you understand me because you are the one who said before to me “never kong binalak na patulan siya“ “ayoko ng gulo sorry” but you end up making excuses now “hindi naman na kayo ” so what we still have a child at may ipinaglalaban ako “mahal ko na siya” damn it you already love the person you dont even know the real him ni hindi ka manlang nagpaligaw kwarto na agad thats why a lot of man now don’t respect other girls because of the kind of girl like you . How does it feel screwing someones life and family ? Di mo manlang pinagbigyan magkaron ng masayang pamilya anak ko . Are you happy now ? He’s all yours mydear ! Kung iniisip mong nasasaktan ako ? oh YES I admit it but I consider it big blessing . Because finally I’m brave enough to face it all and for having a reason to stop this shit.

ctto via


Here’s the truth ladies. There will never be a perfect boyfriend. At some point, you will get disappointed with him. You will get mad at him for not being the man you expected him to be. You will be angry at him for being impatient. Even a good guy at some point will make you feel upset.

But you know what? He is really doing his best for you. To make you feel special everyday. He is really trying to be strong with you ahead of bad days. He really does his best to make you happy and he hopes that you notice all the things he has done for you.

He deserves to be appreciated and respected as well. Ask him on how his day went. Make him feel special too. It will never hurt to lower your pride sometimes. It is never bad if you do the first move in fixing a conflict. It is not all the time that you have to be chased. Efforts should be collective not one-sided.

There will never be a perfect relationship. There will always be bad days. There will always be times at you wanted to quit. But when you look at him and he is worth it, you better give it a damn good fight.

ctto niel



She has already forgiven you, even if you did not ask for it.

She has already forgiven you, even if you did not admit your mistakes.

She has already forgiven you, even if you did not live up to your promises.

She has already forgiven you, even if you did not treat her right.

She has already forgiven you even if you do not deserve it.

She has forgiven you not because she is stupid, but because she has the biggest heart to see the good in you.

She has forgiven you because she needs peace of mind.

She has forgiven you because she deserves happiness.

I am not expecting my next relationship as perfect. I just wanted it to be a blessing not a lesson learned.

To my next relationship,

I am not expecting you to be perfect. I understand that you will have bad days too. I understand that you will have days that you feel tired as well. I am not expecting you to make all the efforts for me, but expect that I will equate your efforts. I will be patient with you too. I will be understanding as well.

I understand that our relationship will have lows. There will be road blocks as well. It will never be easy. We will make tough choices. We might even feel to give up at some point, but we shall withstand those hardships. It is a collaborative effort for it to work. We will work on it because we choose stay. We chose to be strong and fight for it because we know that it will be worth it at the end.

I am not expecting too much from you, but I am just hoping for the best. I am hoping that this time around will be different. That this time around it is worth all the risks. I am hoping that all the pains will be paid off. I am just hoping that this time it will be a blessing not a lesson learned.