man lost


She was there when you were so broke. She was with you when you’re wasted. She chose to stay with you even though you kept on pushing her away. She ate all her pride just to be with you. She set aside all the pain she has at the moment cause she cares more about your feelings. She let herself became a bandage to all your wounds. She just want the best for you even if that “best” will caused her too much pain. Even if that “best” will slowly kill the girl she used to be just because she loves you more than you could ever imagine. Yet you still chose to ignore her. You took her for granted. You didn’t appreciate all her efforts. You didn’t care about how she feels. You kept on blaming her for all the bad things that had happened to you. You didn’t even perceive all the sacrifices she made just to keep you still. You chose to break her heart again and again. But she still chose to stay with you because she never wanted to leave your side. She don’t want to lose you. She wanted you to become a better person; The person you wished to become.

But then, the time came, she realized that she could no longer handle everything. She realized that no matter how hard she tries to keep you, it was you who doesn’t want to keep her with you. She realized that she’s not enough for you. She realized that she could no longer help you fix yourself. She felt like she was a worthless partner for you. She realized that her love for you isn’t enough to keep you and she had FINALLY realized her worth. She finally realized that she’s too much for someone like you. She finally realized that she doesn’t deserve to be treated like the way you do and now she has finally made up her mind. She finally gave up on you. She finally let go of you. She’s leaving you now because she’s so fed up! She’s leaving you now because you already gave her too many reasons to leave though she’s still madly in love with you. She’s leaving now because she’s tired of crying. She’s already tired dealing with you.

As what they say, “all the good things comes to an END” and “PAIN CHANGES PEOPLE”

And now, she’s doing great without you. She’s feeling a whole lot better without you. She can smile without seeing pain in her eyes. She can laugh and perfectly doing fine. She’s back to being the girl she was before, but this time, more better because she have learned her lessons from the pain she got from you.

And while she’s doing great with her life now, there you are! trying to win her back. Begging on your knees to get her back because you’re back to your senses. Because at last, you’ve realized her worth. You’ve finally realized how important she is to you. You’ve finally realized that she was the girl you want to be with. You’ve finally realized that she was the girl you’ve been praying for. You’ve finally realized that you do really loved her. You’ve finally realized that you can’t do well in life without her. You’ve finally realized that she was your other half. And now you’re full of regrets because it’s already late! Too late for you to realize that you’ve lost a precious gem. You’ve lost her. You’ve lost the girl who loved you more than herself. You’ve lost the girl who truly cares about you. She didn’t lose you, you lost her. You let her leave and She’s not coming back. She’s not taking you back. Too late for you to realize her worth. And now she’s ready. She’s ready to open her heart and give it to the person who will surely take good care of it, and sad to say, IT’S NOT YOU.

THE GAME IS OVER for the both of you and YOU LOSE because you didn’t play it well.

Someday, someone will be as loyal as you.

Baby girl, I know you love him so much, but please love yourself too. I know you care for him, but please care about yourself too. I know you are willing to sacrifice a lot of things for him, but please prioritize yourself too.

I mean, loving hard is never bad. Caring too much is not bad. But please spare a part of yourself. Do not lose yourself to someone who is not deserving of you.

Someday, someone will equate the kind of love that you are giving. Someday, someone will be as loyal as you. Someday, someone can match the intensity of your love. ❤️

He might be insensitive but he cares for you.

What to expect when you love an insensitive guy.

1. He is not clingy so do not expect lots of hugs every single day.

2. Do not expect him to give his jacket when you feel cold. He does not like cheesy stuff.

3. He is really bad with compliments.

4. He is not good with sweet words.

5. He is not good with dates

6. He does not like to watch romantic movies with you.

7. He is very straight forward.

8. He is very honest on how he feels.

9. He hates you being dramatic.

10. He pokes fun with you and laughs really hard when you get affected.

He might not say I love you everyday, but deep inside he loves you. He might not be really showy on how much he loves you, but you mean a lot to him. He might not be too sweet with you, but he really cares for you. He might not like cheesy stuff but that’s because that’s the way he is. Understand him. Just because you do not see him bragging about you to his friends, that does not mean he does not value you. It is just that other people have other ways of showing love and affection. He is just doing fine.

words b: Neil Jed Castro

Girls should make efforts too. Love should be collective not one-sided.

10 things that boys like but they will not ask.

1. Allow him to hang out with his friends. Allow him to catch up with his buddies .

2. When you are proud of his achievements. He likes it when you brag him to your family members and friends.

3. Tell him that he is just doing fine. He likes when you comfort him too.

4. Make efforts for him. Love should be collective efforts not one-sided.

5. He likes it when you make him feel that he is the only one for you.

6. He likes it when you make him feel that he is valued.

7. He likes kisses and tight hugs too.

8. He likes it when you make him feel that you appreciate all the things that he has done.

9. He likes it when you give him time to play video games.

10. He likes when you are always there during his darkest times. He appreciates you for taking risks for him.

Boys are emotional too. They will not show it, but they are. They need your love, care and support. It is not always all the time that they are ones who hurt someone. They get taken for granted as well. They have feelings too.


Baby girl, you are more than just someone who is not treated right.

Dear girl reading this,

You are more than just someone who is not being treated right. You are more than just someone who is being cheated on. You are more than just someone who is being treated as an option. You are more than just someone who has never been truly loved. You are more than just someone who keeps on chasing someone. You are more than just someone who begs love and affection. You are more than just someone who’s keep on getting broken.

You deserved all the happiness. You deserved greatness. You deserved consistency. You deserves kindness. You deserved real love. You deserved comfort and hugs. You deserved a whole new kind of love. You deserved someone who treats you right. You deserved someone who means what they say.

You might be hurt right now, but it is just temporary. It will not be easy but you can do it. Never stop loving because that’s what make you special. You might not be good at being loved, but you are definitely good at loving. The world needs more of you!

Words by: Neil Jed Castro

Self-love is important. You cannot give what you do not have.

Here’s the truth ladies. I’ve seen a lot of girls whining about not being treated right. I’ve read a lot of rants on social media from girls who are looking for a great man.

But the question is, what did you do to be a better woman? Do not look for the perfect guy. Do not look for the right guy, be the right woman instead. Everything should always start from yourself. Be the right woman and the right guy will be attracted to you.

Embrace your flaws. Love your imperfections. Focus on your attitude. Develop your character. Chase your dreams. Love yourself. Self-love is important. You cannot give what you do not have.

So when the right time comes, you are so much ready to share a part of yourself. You already have the maturity to understand that a relationship is not perfect.

Words by: Neil Jed Castro

time to go

The truth is , no matter how toxic the relationship is, we still hold on to it. We are still hoping that they will change. We are still hoping that they will treat us better.

But I am hoping that soon enough you will have the strength to move forward and let go. Please spare yourself from further hurt. You do not deserve all the pains. You deserve happiness. I hope you will have the guts to choose yourself. 💕

One sided love is toxic. It is never worth it baby girl.

10 realisations.

1. Do not expect people to do the same for you. They do not have the same heart as you do.

2. Just because they hurt you, that does not give you an opportunity to hurt them too. Be the bigger person always.

3. Do not expect too much. You will just end up disappointed.

4. Sometimes the people you reject are the ones who love purely and who will treat you right.

5. One sided love is never worth it. It is toxic and a suicide.

6. Love someone whom you can see yourself spending the rest of your life. Enough of temporary feelings and attachments.

7. The person who will love you dearly will not be perfect, but will be worth the tears and pain.

8. Second chances are only for those people who have learned their lessons. Love someone really hard, others are not given the second chance to do it.

9. Learn when to let go. Learn when to say no.

10. Love without regrets. At some point it made you happier. Take it as a learning experience.

Words by: Neil Jed Castro

A perfect man only exists in novels and books. A real man will make you cry but he will be the one who will wipe those tears too.

Here’s the truth ladies. The man who will love you dearly will never be perfect. He will not be your Knight In Shining Armor. He will not be your Prince Charming who will awaken you in your deep sleep.

The truth is, he will be the one who will mess up your hair. He will be the one who will make fun of you. He will be the one who will tease you. He will disappoint you at some point. He will make you mad. He will make you upset. He will make you angry. He will make you cry. He will make you feel bad because he failed your expectations. He did not become the man you expect him to be.

But because you understand that he is a work in progress. You accept him. You accept his flaws together with imperfections. You chose to stay and love him.

Since you both understand that your relationship is never perfect, you both work hard for it to work. You communicate. You both chase each other each day. You always find ways to be excited with each other. You don’t know as to what the future holds but you want to give a damn good fight for the both of you. You both know that everything is worth it.

Words by: Neil Jed Castro

How to love a moody girl.

Space. Give her some space when she is not on the mood. Give her some time to contemplate. You would not like it if she will vent out her feelings.

Understand. Sometimes, when she acts mad at you, always remember that the reason is not always you. It could be something about office works and school works that are need to be done.

Treat her with food. The best way to control her temper is food. Let her devour a lot of sweets and she will be fine.

Stay calm. When she is being moody just keep your cool. Do not be mad as well. You will just end up having a big fight.

Make her laugh. When she slowly gets back to her calm self, make jokes about her. Make her smile. She will appreciate you.

Do sweet gestures. Sometimes she is just tired. Give her a hug and it will make her feel at ease.

A moody girl might gets sometimes into your nerves, but she is thankful with you for being so patient with her. She feels that she is such a spoiled brat sometimes, but she doing her best to control her mood. She knows that she has been unreasonable sometimes and she is really sorry for that.

Words by: Neil Jed Castro