moving on

Moving on.

When you move on from him that does not mean that you’ve forgotten him. It does not mean that all the feelings are completely gone. It does not mean that you have forgotten all the dreams you have shared together. It does not mean that you have forgotten all the memories that you have shared. It does not mean that you have forgotten his promises.

Moving on means you just free yourself from further hurt. You just free yourself from further misery. You just free yourself from being treated like shit.

Moving on means you already accepted the fact that you deserve better in life. You accepted that you only deserve happiness. It means that you are prioritising yourself.

Moving on means you’ve accepted that he is just another lesson in life. You accepted that he is just a part of your past.

You still care, but you don’t want to be with him anymore. You have learned how to be happy without him. You have learned to love yourself more. It might take time but you will get there.

words by: neil jed castro