man lost


She was there when you were so broke. She was with you when you’re wasted. She chose to stay with you even though you kept on pushing her away. She ate all her pride just to be with you. She set aside all the pain she has at the moment cause she cares more about your feelings. She let herself became a bandage to all your wounds. She just want the best for you even if that “best” will caused her too much pain. Even if that “best” will slowly kill the girl she used to be just because she loves you more than you could ever imagine. Yet you still chose to ignore her. You took her for granted. You didn’t appreciate all her efforts. You didn’t care about how she feels. You kept on blaming her for all the bad things that had happened to you. You didn’t even perceive all the sacrifices she made just to keep you still. You chose to break her heart again and again. But she still chose to stay with you because she never wanted to leave your side. She don’t want to lose you. She wanted you to become a better person; The person you wished to become.

But then, the time came, she realized that she could no longer handle everything. She realized that no matter how hard she tries to keep you, it was you who doesn’t want to keep her with you. She realized that she’s not enough for you. She realized that she could no longer help you fix yourself. She felt like she was a worthless partner for you. She realized that her love for you isn’t enough to keep you and she had FINALLY realized her worth. She finally realized that she’s too much for someone like you. She finally realized that she doesn’t deserve to be treated like the way you do and now she has finally made up her mind. She finally gave up on you. She finally let go of you. She’s leaving you now because she’s so fed up! She’s leaving you now because you already gave her too many reasons to leave though she’s still madly in love with you. She’s leaving now because she’s tired of crying. She’s already tired dealing with you.

As what they say, “all the good things comes to an END” and “PAIN CHANGES PEOPLE”

And now, she’s doing great without you. She’s feeling a whole lot better without you. She can smile without seeing pain in her eyes. She can laugh and perfectly doing fine. She’s back to being the girl she was before, but this time, more better because she have learned her lessons from the pain she got from you.

And while she’s doing great with her life now, there you are! trying to win her back. Begging on your knees to get her back because you’re back to your senses. Because at last, you’ve realized her worth. You’ve finally realized how important she is to you. You’ve finally realized that she was the girl you want to be with. You’ve finally realized that she was the girl you’ve been praying for. You’ve finally realized that you do really loved her. You’ve finally realized that you can’t do well in life without her. You’ve finally realized that she was your other half. And now you’re full of regrets because it’s already late! Too late for you to realize that you’ve lost a precious gem. You’ve lost her. You’ve lost the girl who loved you more than herself. You’ve lost the girl who truly cares about you. She didn’t lose you, you lost her. You let her leave and She’s not coming back. She’s not taking you back. Too late for you to realize her worth. And now she’s ready. She’s ready to open her heart and give it to the person who will surely take good care of it, and sad to say, IT’S NOT YOU.

THE GAME IS OVER for the both of you and YOU LOSE because you didn’t play it well.