He might be insensitive but he cares for you.

What to expect when you love an insensitive guy.

1. He is not clingy so do not expect lots of hugs every single day.

2. Do not expect him to give his jacket when you feel cold. He does not like cheesy stuff.

3. He is really bad with compliments.

4. He is not good with sweet words.

5. He is not good with dates

6. He does not like to watch romantic movies with you.

7. He is very straight forward.

8. He is very honest on how he feels.

9. He hates you being dramatic.

10. He pokes fun with you and laughs really hard when you get affected.

He might not say I love you everyday, but deep inside he loves you. He might not be really showy on how much he loves you, but you mean a lot to him. He might not be too sweet with you, but he really cares for you. He might not like cheesy stuff but that’s because that’s the way he is. Understand him. Just because you do not see him bragging about you to his friends, that does not mean he does not value you. It is just that other people have other ways of showing love and affection. He is just doing fine.

words b: Neil Jed Castro