A perfect man only exists in novels and books. A real man will make you cry but he will be the one who will wipe those tears too.

Here’s the truth ladies. The man who will love you dearly will never be perfect. He will not be your Knight In Shining Armor. He will not be your Prince Charming who will awaken you in your deep sleep.

The truth is, he will be the one who will mess up your hair. He will be the one who will make fun of you. He will be the one who will tease you. He will disappoint you at some point. He will make you mad. He will make you upset. He will make you angry. He will make you cry. He will make you feel bad because he failed your expectations. He did not become the man you expect him to be.

But because you understand that he is a work in progress. You accept him. You accept his flaws together with imperfections. You chose to stay and love him.

Since you both understand that your relationship is never perfect, you both work hard for it to work. You communicate. You both chase each other each day. You always find ways to be excited with each other. You don’t know as to what the future holds but you want to give a damn good fight for the both of you. You both know that everything is worth it.

Words by: Neil Jed Castro