Stay Single Until You Find The Guy Who Gives You The Love You Truly Deserve

Love is the most clichéd necessity. You spend your whole life finding for that perfect love. You set your own standards. You already drew what the man of your dreams will look like. But honestly, there is one standard that supersedes all: the kind of love that you truly deserve.

You deserve a love that keeps you happy. You have your own thing that only the two of you can understand. Your smile is his greatest achievement. From the first day up to now, you will always be precious to him. You don’t need to ask, he will naturally exert efforts just to keep you. You deserve a relationship built with unconditional bliss.

You deserve a love that takes you home. His presence will be more than enough. Your presence is his comfort zone. The nights will never be dark because he is your star. He will bring the light in you. The warmth of his arms will keep you safe. The way he caresses you will ease your entire burden.

You deserve a love that makes you a better person.He will calm the storms within you. He will embrace your flaws. He will appreciate all parts of you. Whatever the forth comings are, this person will support you. He will be your backbone, your strength. He won’t bring the hurricanes, he will suffice them. He won’t spoil you with bad habits; he will be your good influence. You deserve someone who unleashes your full potential. You deserve someone who brings out the best in you.

You deserve a love that chooses you, always. You deserve someone who makes time for you. You will be his favorite person. You are worthy of the person who creates imminent tomorrows with you. Your worlds will collide. Under any circumstances, there are no doubts because you will always have him. You always got his back. The right person will choose you, every day, all the time.

You deserve a love that stays. You don’t deserve someone who hasn’t made his mind up yet. You deserve a love with assurance, sincerity and loyalty. You don’t deserve someone who gets tired, needs space and leaves constantly. You deserve someone who will navigate the galaxies while he has you. With him, realities will be better than expectations. He will surpass all the fairy tales. He will be more than just a Prince Charming. He will save you, at all odds. He will not hang you; he will hold your hands to reach for the sky.

You deserve a love that grows. You deserve someone who sees you as his forever person. You deserve someone who treats you as his lifetime partner. He will take care of your relationship. One of his goals will be settling down with you in the future. You are part of his plans; you are in every chapter of his book.

Stephen Chbosky reminds us that, “We accept the love we think we deserve.” Start on believing that you deserve the best. When it comes, put your heart in it. No one deserves less. You deserve this once-in-a-lifetime kind of love. You deserve a love that will lift your spirit up.


She will never be the perfect girlfriend. She will have bad days. She has dark sides. She overthinks. She feels like she is not good enough at some point. She is way too emotional sometimes.

But one thing for sure is she will never give up on you easily. She is willing to endure the pain. She will endure no matter how badly she gets treated. She will sacrifice a lot of things for you.

She will never give up no matter how tough it is getting. She would rather be left hanging than break your heart. She would rather be the one who endures everything than being the one who left because she does not want to have regrets in the end.

She could only hope that you would do the same for her.

words by: Neil Jed Castro

find your way out

Is he confusing you?

Last time he was so sweet with you, but now he is so cold as hell. Yesterday, he said that he cannot live without you, but now he is not communicating with you.

Last time he makes efforts for you, but now it is nowhere to be found. Last time he said that you are his priority, but now he is not even doing anything just to see you.

Last time he said that he will always treat you right, but right now he is only doing it if he feels like.

Last time he said that you mean a lot to him, but right now you have been taken for granted.

Baby girl, you deserve better. You deserve consistency. You deserve happiness. You only deserve someone who can equate the love that you can give.

I hope you’ll find your way out.

perfect boyfriend? hmmm

He will never be the perfect boyfriend. He is sometimes impatient. He is sometimes low in effort. He is sometimes hard-headed. He sometimes take you for granted. He sometimes make you feel that you are unwanted.

He feels sorry. He feels sorry that he cannot be the boyfriend that you expect him to be. He feels sorry that your expectations were not met.

But trust him, because he is trying. He is trying to be enough for you. He is doing his best to make you feel special.

He might not be an ideal boyfriend any girl would love to have, but surely he will not give up on you. He will stay. 💕


don’t be stress about love

You are too young to be stressed about love. You are too young to lose sleep just because of someone who does not really understand the concept of love. You are too young to be broken hearted.

There is so much more to life than just to be in a relationship. Reach your dreams. Finish your studies. Travel the world with your friends and family. Pamper yourself. Give back to your parents and make them proud.

While waiting for that perfect moment, strive to be a better person. You don’t need someone who will complete you, but someone who compliments you. Raise your standards.

Do not chase love. Do not force love to happen. The right person will come at the right time and it will more than magical than you expected.

words by: Neil Jed Castro

keep smiling baby girl

You are worth it since beginning.

No one has the right to make you feel that you are useless. No one has the right to make you feel like you are not enough.

You are more than enough.

No one has the right to make you feel like you are a garbage. You deserve all the happiness.

Do not force love to happen. Do be desperate trying to be a part of someone’s life.

Someday, they’ll just regret why they let go of you. Baby girl, keep smiling!

words by: njc

be the man

In this age of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and etc, be the man who still picks her up from school or work.

In this age of hook ups and flings, be the man who is not just after for sex. Be the man who touches her soul.

Be the man who writes love letters, poems and songs for her. Be the man who takes candid pictures of her. Be the man who still gives her flowers.

Be the man who understands her mood swings. Be the man who understands even if how dramatic she gets.

In this age of anything instant, be the man who is willing to wait for her. Be the man who does not rush things because you know that she is damn worth it.

words by: neil jed castro

relationship fails

The reason why relationship fails nowadays it is because people do not find time to talk personally anymore. When one is upset instead of talking about the problem, they would tend to vent out on social media. Affection becomes so virtual. Feelings are so temporary.

If you want to say something about your partner, talk about it. Do not let them figure out on what is wrong with you. Not all the time that they can read your mind. Lower your pride sometimes too. It does not hurt to accept your mistakes. Learn from them. There is always a time for cute petty fights but most of the time you have to deal things maturely. Most importantly, do not be afraid to say sorry.

There will never a perfect relationship thus shit happens sometimes. At the end of the day, there will never be a perfect person. It is a matter of who’s worth all the risks. It is about accepting them whole-heartedly without ifs and buts.


what ifs

What ifs.

If you have what ifs after break up, it means that you did not give your all. It means that you did not do something that you could have done. It means that you did not really give your best shot.

Love without regrets. Love without reservations. You will never be truly happy if you live in fear and doubts.

We might get hurt in love, but the feeling is incomparable. Never be afraid to love again.


moving on

Moving on.

When you move on from him that does not mean that you’ve forgotten him. It does not mean that all the feelings are completely gone. It does not mean that you have forgotten all the dreams you have shared together. It does not mean that you have forgotten all the memories that you have shared. It does not mean that you have forgotten his promises.

Moving on means you just free yourself from further hurt. You just free yourself from further misery. You just free yourself from being treated like shit.

Moving on means you already accepted the fact that you deserve better in life. You accepted that you only deserve happiness. It means that you are prioritising yourself.

Moving on means you’ve accepted that he is just another lesson in life. You accepted that he is just a part of your past.

You still care, but you don’t want to be with him anymore. You have learned how to be happy without him. You have learned to love yourself more. It might take time but you will get there.

words by: neil jed castro