change your ways 


 When you become rude and arrogant and behave badly towards the people around you, even the ones who love you most will start to leave you… Every person wants to be respected and admired by the people they love – especially your parents… They are the ones who brought you into this world and made you who you are today… Even though they love you more than anything in the world – if you keep shouting at them or fighting with them for unknown or unjust reasons, they will distance themselves from you and leave you alone. No matter how old we become, we will always have a need for our parent’s advice. We need our parents in our life, even once we’ve grown up into adults ourselves and they deserve to be respected and loved… If there are things about them you feel they need to change – talk to them about it like an adult – but don’t take their love for granted… You never know when they might just have had enough and decide to leave you to your own devices… Arrogance is just as destructive as anger in a relationship, and if you want to achieve great things in life you’ll need to learn to be polite and loveable to make your way to the top… As the old saying goes, it is the straightest trees that are cut first… But if you keep fighting with your family… if you’re known to be rude and arrogant… your reputation will precede you and no one will stand beside you or support you in life. In time, everyone will leave you and there’s nothing in this world that can take a parent’s place… No one can love you more than your own family… so learn to love and respect their concern for you before it’s too late