it was you

Something’s Telling Me It Might Be You
I have no way of knowing if you’re the one destined for me. There’s no guarantee that you’ll love me back. Or love me the same way that I love you. I can’t know for sure if we’ll ever be in a relationship. 
But every time I look at you, every time you walk past me, every time you smile at me — something’s telling me it might be you. Something inside of me is urging me to take risks, to say what I’ve been meaning to say, to get the words out of my mouth. Something in you draws me closer, almost like a magnet. And I can’t help it. 
Something’s telling me it might be you who’s going to save me and heal my broken heart. Something’s telling me that loving you will feel right, will feel at home. Something’s telling me that this is it. This is the love I’ve been waiting for so long. 
I want to hope. I want to keep wishing upon a star. I want to close my eyes and trust. Something’s telling me it might be you. And I want to believe it. 
Written by: Angelo Caerlang