30 hrs

30 Hours After We Separated And I Am Already Missing You
I swear I never thought that, one day, I’d be writing about you. It’s even weird that I feel this way — feel like I lost a major part of me when we separated ways — but I do. For over five months of almost seeing you every single day, somehow you made a special place in my heart. I took the time that I spent with you for granted because on the surface of my mind, I knew you’d just be one of those people that I would meet temporarily — no strings attached. 
But there’s something in the bond that we created that made a long lasting impact in all parts of me. Maybe it’s the fact that I easily declared to myself that you weren’t so bad to share my ordinary, most usual, vulnerable moments with. I mean, you were fairly okay. And at some point I became so glad that you were there when I was having a difficulty sleeping. 
I wasn’t the type anymore who would open up to somebody quickly. It was you who did the talking most of the time. You were chatty every time we hit a conversation. I knew your personal details and I wondered whether you were thinking why I wasn’t sharing mine too. But during the times when I had emotional breakdowns, my mouth would open and words came flooding the floor between us, climbing to your bed and into your ears. 
It was so easy to talk to you. Like I didn’t get the chance to be awkward. Like I never had the opportunity to backle up and swallow back my words. Of course I’m never going to romanticize and make it seem like everything was perfect when we were having discussions, because, sometimes, I caught you looking down while I was talking and showing some sort of disinterest — but I’d like to see the good side in every situation. Having you around me was enough. 
There are so many things that I wished happened so differently. Like, I wish we made our last week together more memorable. I wish I didn’t hate you when you decided to be loud at 12 am. I wish I hadn’t make you feel how upset I was. And I wish I didn’t sleep over the sound of your voice while you were in mid-sentence — but you knew how damn tired I was, so I bet you understood. 
I think the bottomline of this is that I truly miss you. But not in the, “Oh my god I think I’m in love with him and I miss him” — al though it sounds like it. No. No. No. I am positive few days or months from now, this feeling would be irrelevant. I think that my leaving happened so quickly and I never had the proper chance and enough time to say goodbye to you. I never had the chance to get to know you more. I never had the chance to exchange valuable contact details with you. But mostly, I never had the chance to say thank you because you’re the best roommate that I had so far. 
I miss you because you respected everything about me — my time, my silence, my privacy, my ugliness, my sassiness. I probably won’t be seeing you ever again and I’m okay with that. You being part of my life — even for a short period of time — is yet another reminder for me to cherish all the people that I come across and build good relationships with them. 
The journey that I had for the last twelve months has been wonderful because of you too. I am so happy that I was beside you when I decided to put an end in one chapter of my life, and be totally ready to move forward, and never, ever, look back. 
Written by: Ac