​This Is Me Accepting You’re Not Coming Back

This is me mending the broken pieces of my heart and trying to make myself feel whole again. This is me completely distancing myself away from you, away from your influence, away from what we could have been. This is me thousands of miles away from you, learning to accept that our love isn’t meant to last forever. 
Maybe my dream of spending my entire life with you will never come true anymore. All those days and nights that we spent together will only become a memory. There’s no more second chance for both of us. There’s no more you and me. There’s no more love to save the cracks in our hearts.
I’m forgiving myself for believing what we had was real, was raw, was honest. I’m forgiving you for all the promises that you broke. And I’m forgiving the world for bringing you in my life temporarily. Forgiveness isn’t easy but this is the easiest way for me to let go, to heal. 
This is me convincing myself to be strong. This is me knowing that I have thousands of days ahead of me and I’ll meet someone who deserves to own my heart. This is me trying to smile again after all the times that I cried for so long. This is me slowly wiping you out of my memory. 
This is me accepting that you will not be coming back.