If a man doesn’t want to be with you, don’t force him to stay

don’t beg
 We all want to have a stable relationship. Sometimes, luck is not on our side and we do not get the perfect guy of our imagination. Well, there is a why reason it is called ‘imagination’. Everyone who sees perfection eventually gets disappointed, the same happens to all of those women who believe that their man is perfect and would never need a break from a constant cycle of life that they have been following for so many years.
 Men are different as compared to women and men have different interests. Sometimes women cannot understand them. There are times when men need a break from all of the noise surrounding them all the time. They may want to leave all their loved ones temporarily or even permanently. It may sound unreasonable but one can only understand it if they are in the same situation.

  Women are more emotionally weak as compared to men. The emotional stability within a man is the proof that sometimes he would want to escape the emotional drama that he has around him all the time. Men are adventurous by nature and they want change.

 Sometimes, when a man asks for a break from his woman, the woman starts to believe that he has just gotten sick of her and he just wants to leave her. Well, that may be the case sometimes but if it is the case then it is better to let your man go then to force him to stay. Here, forcing does not mean that you are not a fun person to be around but it means that you may not be the right person for that specific man. Maybe you thought that you both are compatible in the beginning and maybe he thought the same but there is a possibility that the compatibility lasted for a few months and then it was gone.

 Both of you might not be happy or maybe just one of you is happy and the other one is just not happy. In such a case, one would either want to escape or one would want to find the most polite way possible to leave everything behind. If your man asks you for a break then you do not have to jump to conclusions, all you have to do is think that he needs it and you should give it to him.

 After your man leaves and you realize that he was meant to go, what you should be worried about the most is how to keep yourself stable emotionally, physically and socially. Some women might lock themselves up in a room and not want to come out, they might even get depressed, and there are a few others who would just believe that their life has ended. You cannot do that, because escape is a luxury not everybody can afford. You have to be realistic and face the realities, you have to make your life stable.

 There are a few tips that you should follow in order to survive after the traumatic experience that you have had. This is the least you can do for yourself because you are the only one who can take care of you, no one else would do it for you.

  1. Make yourself believe that this happened for the best and soon, time will prove it.


We all know that the universe has a lot in store for us. We may believe that whatever has happened to us right now may be the biggest tragedy of our lives. But no one knows about the plans that the Universe has made for us, they may even be better than our own imagination and they may be beneficial for us in the long run.
 The current situation may be emotionally torturous, but what comes ahead is strength and betterment. Not everybody can realize it but for those who do actually end up living a really happy life.

 2. Meditate or do other relaxing exercises

 Meditation is the best way to relax yourself from all the sadness that is around you. Meditation helps you realize that you are far above all of those things happening around you. It makes you stay connected with your soul and makes you realize that you have a bigger purpose in life than all of those distractions.

 There are several ways to meditate and the most effective one is doing yoga. Yoga helps you circulate blood all around your body, it also helps you in having good body posture, good muscles as well as a happy mood.

 So if you plan on meditation after a really sad event in your life such as your partner leaving you, then go for it because it will not just make you emotionally better but it will physically help you with many things as well.

  3. Start doing the things that you love to do, alone

 You can also keep yourself busy with the activities that you like. These activities can be anything from shopping, painting, reading books, watching movies to even eating food. It depends on what you like to do the most, whatever activity keeps you distracted for a long time is the best one to choose at this point.

 4. Go out with friends and laugh it all out

 They say laughter is the best medicine. Which is why we believe that if you go out with your friends and laugh it all out, you will feel better emotionally. Do not let yourself cry too much as a little bit of crying is okay because that is how catharsis is done, but do not let yourself get depressed. Spend time with your loved ones and laugh.

time you hurt me

Every time you hurt me… something in me breaks down… every time you lie to me, you lose a bit of me… I never expect lies and cheating in our relationship when I have trusted you so much…..There is nothing that you should hide from me and there is nothing you should lie to me about…… I have given you all of me….. I want you to be honest and true..

I never stopped loving you, I just stopped running after you

Running after you was like looking for rain in a period of drought. It was like hoping for sunshine in the midst of dark clouds. I was always setting myself up for constant disappointment and pain.

 I’ve decided to stop waiting for you. I’ve decide to stop hoping that you’ll come back to me one day. I’ve decided to just let everything go, including you…

 What’s the point of holding onto something that was never even yours to begin with, something that you can never be assured of, something that keeps you captive for years and years without any guarantee of love or happiness? Maybe it’s better to start focusing on myself now. Maybe it’s better to let you live your own life without any interference, without any questions, and without any expectations.

 I need to start living a happier life, a more peaceful life, a life that leaves me content. Choosing this new life might end the possibility of getting butterflies in my stomach every time I see you coming near, the possibility of feeling my heart beat faster every time you look deep into my eyes, and the possibility of my knees getting weak every time I feel your skin next to mine. But it will also end the possibility of feeling hurt and broken every time you forget to text and call, every time you end up ditching plans with me for a night out with the boys, and every time you treat me like I’m nothing but an option for you. If your guy follows all of the signs mentioned here, then never let go of him, he’s a keeper.

 I’m not trying to imply that a life with you was always a series of constant distress, sorrow, and trouble for me. We saw good times but the bad times would somehow always outdo them. We laughed together but maybe we cried even more. We shared stories about our life but maybe they were never truly enough to keep you interested. We shared some passionate nights but maybe they were never as exciting as the nights you shared with all the other girls in your life.

 The relationship we shared was nothing short of a rollercoaster ride. It was an incredible and irresistible mess. It was a journey full of excitement, an adventure that I will surely miss forever. But our time together has come to an end. This universe, our destinies, God- everything has intervened now and there’s nothing in my power to stop this from ending.

 If achieving the best for myself means I need to let you go, then I’m willing to do it. If giving up on a connection with you today means I’ll open myself to new and better connections around me, then I’m okay with never talking to you again. If not giving you the power to see me in my most vulnerable state means I’ll be strong and fearless in my own fragility, then I’ll continue to tell you that I’m completely fine on my own.

 I’m grabbing the opportunity to finally grow, to make up for all the lost time, to discover myself again, to find new and fulfilling relationships, to create incredible memories with my friends and family- the people who truly care, to work towards achieving success in life, and to turn into the woman I always aspired to be. 

 I can’t keep forcing myself to stick to a person who can only give me less than what I deserve.

 I remember all the tears we cried and the struggles we went through. I remember all the nights we stayed up talking and the stories we told each other. I remember all the ideas and dreams we discussed, the ones we were going to fulfill together. I remember all the hopes and plans we made, for a future that was never ours. Those memories are all we have left now. They are pieces of our life that no one can ever take from us. They are a reminder of a story that we were never able to complete, but still a story that was true, a story that was real, a story that was only ours. 

 But things are different. There’s no ‘us’ anymore. It’s only you and only me from now. I’ve decided to stop running after you but I won’t ever stop loving you. You’ve left your mark on me. You’ve occupied a space in my heart that no one can ever replace.

 I will love you forever. I will love you for being the person who truly changed me, the person who gave me courage to be better than who I was before, a person who taught me to love myself first. I will love you for the friendship we shared, the laughs we had, and the love you once gave me. And I will love you for all the lessons you taught me about this cruel life.

This Is The Kind Of Guy You Should Stop Wasting Time With

Honey, your time and your space is something that should be reserved for only the most special and genuine people. Stop wasting your time before it’s too late.

Time is the one resource that no one can ever get enough of. It’s the one thing we tell ourselves we must never subject to waste. Time is as precious and as valuable as any other thing in this world because it is the one resource none of us can ever negotiate for. Time is afforded to only the luckiest of us, and we must never take that for granted.
Time is what affords us the opportunity to live our lives in manners that excite us, that enlighten us, that elate us, and that develop us. Time is also what manages to break us down, to destroy us, to make us feel like we’re not worthy of existence. Time has a power on people who no one could ever put a value to. That is why we always remind ourselves to never waste our time on things, events, activities, and people who just aren’t worth it.
In the realms of love, timing isn’t necessarily everything, but it plays a huge role. We are all familiar with stories of the right love at the wrong time. That’s the kind of power that time has, and you can’t let that fact escape your mind. While love is important, and while we all do search for love in our lives, there are some kinds of “love” that just aren’t worth our time.
This is the fake kind of love; the love that turns us into cruel and pessimistic beings; the kind of love that darkens our souls and dampens our outlook on life. This is the love that diminishes our self-worth and our sense of confidence. We have to be wary of this toxic kind of love, and we must never bless it with our time. Our time is only worth valuable and breathtaking people and experiences.
You shouldn’t be wasting your time with that guy who never seems to love you the way that you love him. You can’t be devoting yourself to someone who can never seem to love you the way that you need to be loved. Don’t be wasting your time on that one guy who shuts you out often even though you always let him all the way in. Stop wasting your time with the man who pushes you away at every opportunity even though all you want to do is mend his wounds and make him feel like he’s a valuable soul. Don’t give any more attention to the guy who walks past you like you’re a wall ornament even though you treat him like he’s a masterful piece of art.
Just stop spending time with a man who still isn’t over his ex; the man who says he only has eyes for you, but is also looking at other women at the same time. Stop being with the guy who acts like the victim in the situation even though the both of you know perfectly well that he’s the master of victimizing others. Stop allowing your time to be wasted by a man who acts like a predator while you’re left to play the role of the prey.

Stop wasting your time staring at a blank cellphone screen waiting for a reply that is never going to come. Stop wasting your time waiting by the phone waiting for a phone call that is never going to materialize. Stop wasting your time by being with a man who will never make an effort to communicate with you in a way that your relationship requires. You have to start preserving whatever dignity and self-worth you have left. You can’t afford to be wasting more of your valuable time because this is time that you’re never going to get back in the future.
Don’t allow yourself to waste your time with someone who just reeks of inconsistency. You can’t let yourself succumb to the charms of a man who is hot one minute and cold in the next. You need to devote yourself to someone who manages to make time stand still; someone who can make your heart skip a beat over and over again. You need to start spending your time with someone who makes you feel like you’re floating on a cloud on a bright summer day. You can’t let yourself waste time with someone who makes you feel like you’re walking under a perpetual rain storm.
Stop wasting your time with someone who thinks that you aren’t worth the truth. Stop settling for the man who thinks that lies and dishonesty are perfectly normal aspects of your relationship. Your time is the one commodity that you can’t afford to spare for someone who sees no importance in making your happy.
Your time and your space is something that should be reserved for only the most special and genuine people. Stop wasting your time before it’s too late.

I’ve Made The Decision To Just Let You Go

Perhaps you don’t need me as much as I need you to need me

This is probably one of the most emotionally challenging things that I am ever going to have to do in my lifetime. This is probably going to bog me down in ways that nothing else ever has or ever could. But I know that even though it’s going to be very difficult for me, I am really going to have to let you go. It’s what’s best for you. It’s what’s best for us. But most importantly, it’s what’s best for me.
Right now, there’s nothing I want more than to just run to your side and drown myself in your embrace. I want you to stroke my hair and caress my face as you tell me that everything is going to turn out just fine. I want you to whisper sweet nothings into my ear and tell me that my world isn’t about to crumble into nothing. But I know that I can’t do that. I know that we have to keep our space. I know we have to maintain our distance but it’s getting harder and harder for me as each day passes us by. I know that you always tried to teach me to be more independent and to be less clingy. You always wanted me to be my own person and stand my own ground. But it’s not as easy as it looks. And looking back now, I understand why you wanted to teach me those things. It’s because you struggled with them as well. You had trouble with being independent. You had trouble dealing with your emotions but you didn’t want to have to ask for anyone’s help. You tried to be strong for yourself and I know you’re still struggling with that. And that’s why I really want to just run to you and hug you closely and tell you that you can rely on me. You can depend on me. You can count on me. But I won’t.
I really want to be there for you as you try to endure this difficult trial. I want to give you a shoulder to cry on. I want to give you a boost that you need to move forward. I want to be able to just hug you tightly to let you know that you’re not alone. I’m sorry about that. It’s innate. It’s something that I can’t help. I was always in the habit of helping you through whatever challenge you had to face. I was always in the business of trying to take the weight of the world off of your shoulders. I wanted so much for you to be free, happy, and secure. I want to be the one celebrating with you as you accomplish everything you set out to do in life. But I also want to be the one who is there for you when things don’t work out for the best. You may not really understand why, and that’s fine. I don’t either. I just know that it’s what I want. I hate being relegated to mere spectator in your life. I hate how I don’t have a role to play anymore. I hate how I can’t just force myself into your life. But I’ve grown to accept. Or perhaps, I’m trying my best to accept it.

Perhaps you don’t need me as much as I need you to need me. And that’s something I really have to come to terms with.

So now, I’m making this difficult decision to just live a life for myself. I have to let you go. I have to be able to detach myself from you even though it seems like a near impossibility for me at the moment. But again, it’s something that I have to do. I was so engrossed in trying to love you and take care of you, I may have lost myself somewhere along the way. I stopped taking care of myself. I stopped caring about my well-being. I was looking at you the whole time and I failed to look at myself in the mirror. I was too caught up in trying to fill in the gaps that were in your personality, I failed to notice that there was a void in me that I needed to address as well.
So I hope you can forgive me for being selfish at this time. Or at the very least, I hope you understand why I have to really focus on myself. In all probability, you don’t care about what I’m doing now and I guess that’s for the best. I have to try my absolute hardest to just let you go because it’s what I need to do for myself. As much as I want to keep you in my life, it’s much better for me to just let you go. In order for me to be free for myself, I have to be free from you.

She Needs Someone To Accept Her As She Is

She has a lot of pain inside of her. She is scarred and she is emotional. She needs to be with someone who is not intimidated by the demons that she carries within her.

 She is only looking to be with a person who knows to accept her in her entirety. She doesn’t want to be with someone who will treat her like a buffet; where he gets to pick and choose the parts of her that he likes the most. He can’t be the kind of guy who will just choose to ignore and disrespect the parts of her that he doesn’t care for. He has to be able to accept her whole self without any reservations. She needs to be with someone who is appreciative of all of her little quirks and eccentricities. She knows that she isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea. She knows that there are parts of her that are difficult to accept. But again, she needs to be with that special person who will be accepting all those parts of her personality. She needs to be with someone who is going to be comfortable with all of her little quirks. 

 She is only looking to be with someone who will love all parts of who she is. She needs to be with the guy who isn’t afraid to call her out on all of her flaws and shortcomings. But he also needs to be someone who will be okay with the fact that there are some aspects of her personality that she will refuse to change. She only wants to be with someone who won’t belittle or demean her for her imperfections. She wants to be with someone who strengthens her resolve and builds her confidence. She needs to be with a person who inspires her to become better, but also makes her feel okay if she ever comes up short of her goals. She needs to be with someone who lets her know that she doesn’t have to be perfect because she’s going to be loved regardless. 

 She needs to be with the guy who is going to be there for her whenever she needs him to be. He can’t be someone who is all talk. He needs to be able to back up his words with his actions. He can’t be the type of guy who is selfish. He can’t be the kind of guy who is always about himself. He can’t be self-centered. He can’t be narcissistic. He can’t be conceited. He has to be able to allot space in his mind and his heart for her. She needs to be with the guy who asks her about her day. She needs to be with someone who asks her if she’s feeling alright.

 She needs to be with a man who isn’t afraid to listen to her whenever she’s feeling upset or vulnerable. He doesn’t have to solve all of her problems for her on her behalf. In fact, she doesn’t want that man. All she wants is a guy who is going to empathize with her and tell her that he understands why she feels the way that she feels. She needs to be with someone who is going to try his best to bring a smile to her face whenever she’s feeling down. She needs to be with a man who is going to help relieve her of her stress and anxiety. 

 She has a lot of pain inside of her. She is scarred and she is emotional. She needs to be with someone who is not intimidated by the demons that she carries within her. She needs someone who sees that she does have her share of baggage, but isn’t afraid to help her get past it. She needs to be with a man who is able to reassure her that everything is going to turn out fine so as long as they stay together. She needs to be with someone who makes her sure of her own strength; a man who makes her believe in her own capabilities as a human being; a man who inspires her to become the best version of herself. She needs to be with a man of strength and sensitivity. He should be strong enough to push her and tell her whenever she needs to step up her game. But he should also be sensitive enough to realize that she is just a human being and sometimes, she isn’t going to come through. He has to be someone who is always going to be honest to her about the state of life. He isn’t going to try to pamper her or shield her from the truth. He isn’t going to withhold anything from her. She needs to be with someone who will always tell her things as they are. 

 But lastly, she needs to be with a guy who is going to stay with her. She needs a man who is going to share in all of her joy and her victories. But he needs to also stick around for her failures and her low points. She needs consistency. She needs structure. She needs someone she can be sure of. She needs a man who loves her unconditionally.

There’s A Message In The Way A Person Treats You, Just Listen

There are hidden messages there that you may be missing out on.

Sometimes, the most effective kind of communication is the non-verbal kind; the one that doesn’t make use of words. Sometimes, the most meaningful and most important messages are the ones that are sent with actions and gestures. And that’s why you always need to be paying attention in a relationship; not just to what your partner is telling you, but to everything that your partner is doing for you. You can’t always just be choosing to hear all of the nice things that he tells you while simultaneously ignoring to think about all of the things that he does (or doesn’t) do for you. There is a hidden message in every way a person is going to treat you. You just have to learn how to listen and to pay more attention.
He is secretly telling you something with how he’s treating you and you need to do yourself a favor and listen to what he’s trying to tell you. Whenever you send him a text message, and he deliberately makes you wait for his reply for long stretches, he’s essentially telling you that your time doesn’t matter to him. He is telling you that your feelings of anxiety and stress don’t really concern him much. He is telling you that he is willing to let you wait and stew in your own bad feelings because he doesn’t care much about you at all. That’s what he’s trying to tell you.
Whenever you try to cook dinner for him as he gets home from work, and all he does is criticize your cooking, he’s essentially telling you something deeper. He really wants to tell you that he doesn’t value all of your kind gestures and thoughtful deeds. He doesn’t care about how much he means to you because you don’t mean too much to him. He is also telling you that he doesn’t care whatever impact his words might have on your feelings so as long as he gets to express what he thinks about you. He is telling you that he doesn’t really give a damn about your sense of self-worth and that he would willingly attack your pride and confidence whenever given the chance. He is telling you that no matter how pure your intentions are, nothing you could ever do would be enough to please him.
Whenever he blows you off on planned date nights so he can hang out with his friends, he is essentially telling you that you aren’t a priority to him. He is telling you that he would much rather enjoy the company of other people than your own. He is telling you that you are essentially not worthy of his time even though you would willingly carve substantial time out of your own schedule for him. He is telling you that he would choose his friends over you regardless of how it would make you feel. He knows that he is hurting you by making this decision, but the truth is that he just doesn’t care much about how you feel. He is telling you that you aren’t as big a part of his life as you think you are. He is telling you that you are expendable and that you are more of a seasonal delight than you are a consistent flame.
He is secretly telling you something whenever he serves as a roadblock to your dreams. Whenever he discourages you from pursuing your passions, he is essentially telling you that your dreams don’t matter and that they are irrelevant in your relationship. He is telling you that he thinks of you as a lesser person whose dreams are childish and invalid. He is telling you that you are foolish to have such goals and that you are only wasting your time by trying to pursue them. He is telling you that he wants all of your attention focused on him and on the relationship even though he would never willingly give you the same kind of effort. He would never give up his dreams for you and yet here he is demanding that you give your dreams up for him. He is telling you that he would willingly place his own personal desires above the relationship while also demanding that you place his needs above your own. He is telling you that he is selfish and that there is no room for two egos in this relationship. He is telling you that you need to swallow all of your pride and make more room for his.
So always make sure that you pay attention to how your partner treats you. There are hidden messages there that you may be missing out on – and if you’re not careful, you could end up depriving yourself of the kind of love that you really deserve to have.

Women Who Stay Single Longer End Up Being The Happiest

ladies this one’s for u!
​Perhaps it’s possible that they’ve essentially been single for all of their adult life because they just aren’t comfortable with being labeled as someone’s girlfriend yet. Maybe they’re just not ready for it. Perhaps they haven’t really explored the dating scene much because the few times that they actually went out on a date, nothing serious ever really grew out of them. Perhaps they decided to just take a break from all of the pressure that comes with dating and with relationships as a whole. Perhaps they just wanted to take the time that the needed to find themselves and perhaps that’s what was best for them at the time.

Regardless of their motivations, their circumstances, or their approaches, the women who stay single for longer end up being the happiest.

 They are the ones who become the happiest because they are the ones who learn to really love themselves. They are the ones who grow to learn and understand that there is beauty and solace to be found within solitude. They are those who understand that happiness doesn’t always have to be found in another person. They are the ones who are fine with having an entire bed all to themselves at night while they sleep. They are the ones who are able to perform all of their chores and errands on their own without complaint. They are the ones who don’t have to fear being alone because they know that they can take care of themselves really well. They are perfectly fine walking down the streets on their own because they don’t need anyone else to help them get to their desired destinations. They don’t fear the solitude. They embrace it. They thrive in it.

 They are the ones who become the happiest because they really make the time to build themselves as individuals. They are the ones who don’t have to worry about being selfish. They are the ones who get to devote all of their time and attention to their own personal lives and they can do so shamelessly and guiltlessly. They are the ones who can make all the time in the world for their friends without having to worry about making someone else jealous.


They are the ones who are able to keep in touch with their closest peers; to build the strength of their various relationships with others effortlessly. They are the ones who are able to pursue their dreams relentlessly instead of having to compromise them or let them slip away. They are the ones who dream big and they aren’t afraid of going after the things they set themselves out to accomplish. They are deeply motivated; and their motivation is always intrinsic. It is never dependent or reliant on another person. They are hardworking and they are passionate. They are exceptionally good at blocking out distractions and focusing at the task at hand. That is why they have a tendency to achieve anything that they set their minds to.
 They are the ones who become the happiest because they really know what it means to thrive in independence. They are the ones who don’t have money problems because they know how to put in the work to actually earn the money that they spend. They are the ones who know how to manage their finances well because they really only have themselves to worry about. They are the ones with the skills necessary to survive on their own. They are intelligent and they are natural problem solvers. They are the ones who are always able to pull through even when the odds are stacked against them.

 They are the ones who become the happiest because they understand a person’s life and sense of self-worth shouldn’t have to depend on whether or not they are in relationships. They understand that falling in love isn’t exactly the one thing that defines a person’s life. They are the ones who understand that there are many other facets to life that are worth exploring and are actually worth dedicating attention to.

 So even though they are single, that doesn’t mean they won’t be able to find happiness, meaning, and fulfilment in their lives. It doesn’t mean that they won’t be able to experience the thrill of love because love doesn’t always have to be found in another human being. The girl who is single is going to be so much happier than the girl who just happens to be stuck in a toxic and abusive relationship because she is too scared of what might happen to her if she were single. The woman who actually embraces her singlehood is the one who is going to find happiness in simplicity. She is the one who is going to be able to find happiness in herself – even when everything and everyone around her fails.