
Stop talking to your ex. Stop talking to your ex hoping your ex has become a better person. Stop taking to your ex thinking it might work out the next time around. Stop talking to your ex and giving your ex all of these chances because if they haven’t changed after one or two chances, they’re never going to. Stop talking to your ex when you’re missing your ex or you’re feeling lonely because you need to learn the difference between being lonely and being alone. Stop talking to your ex because you feel like no one else is ever going to love you when your feelings are a direct result of their inability to love you fully. Stop talking to your ex knowing that there’s already someone new and you’ve been replaced. Stop talking to your ex when you know that your ex isn’t good for you and there’s a reason why y’all aren’t together anymore. Stop talking to your ex while using that your ex was your everything as an excuse to not come to terms to how things are now. Stop talking to your ex forgetting that your ex is incapable of treating you properly and has made you more miserable than happy. Stop talking to your ex and expecting your ex to feel the same way for you just because you never stopped caring. Stop talking to your ex and believing that you should settle for someone who’s broken you and would only keep breaking you if you choose to keep going back. I know it’s hard to stop, but it’s time to remember what you deserve because your ex made you forget that and that’s something you should always know. Know what you’re worth and be what you’re worth.