​How To Be Friends With Someone Who Constantly Feels Lonely

How To Be Friends With Someone Who Constantly Feels Lonely

By: Angelo Caerlang – Writer
First, try to understand that their feelings are sensitive. They get affected so easily even if they don’t often times make it seem too obvious. They feel things deeply. They share their hearts to everyone when they’re happy, but they withdraw themselves from society when they’re sad.
Someone who constantly feels lonely isn’t trying to be emotional just to grab people’s attention. Being lonely isn’t something that they wish to have. They’d give their all if only they can run away from loneliness. But the problem is that they can’t, because loneliness becomes their creepy companion everywhere they go, whoever they’re with.
Loneliness is always just few feet away from them, waiting for the right time when it can enter their personal bubbles. It’s attached to them in an invisible thread that they can’t cut no matter how many times they try.
Being friends with someone who grew up welcoming solitude in their lives is like learning a new language – it’s difficult and strange in the beginning but sooner you’ll get used to it. You’ll realize that every one of us has experienced what it’s like to feel empty on the inside – some of us are just good at hiding it.
When you are friends with someone who has extreme emotions, you have to be always aware and careful of how you treat them. You have to be thoughtful of the words that you’re going to say to them, because they never forget everything that they hear. You have to include them in all your plans because making them feel like outsiders is one thing that you should be avoiding at all cost.
Never let the day end without comprising with them when you had disagreements with each other. Don’t take them for granted when they’re upbeat, when they become chatty, when they laugh a lot, because you don’t get to see them living every day with their souls full of energies. Avoid playing with their feeling and assuming that they will always stay with you.
When they’re having a bad day, give them the space and time that they need. Know that they have to breathe and be far away from everyone to figure out what’s best for them. They need to hear their thoughts well and dig in to their feelings, because that’s how they solve their issues efficiently.
Be happy for them when they come back into your life. Update them with everything that they missed out while they were healing on their own. Treat them the way you usually do before they completely shut off everyone around them. Show them that you totally get what they’re going through.
Because once you’ve proven to them that you actually care about their vulnerabilities, they will stick up with you forever. They will consider you as their most trusted ally and the one they will always be thankful for. They will support you when you’re the one who needs some help.
They will return the love that you’re giving to them. They will hear all your sentiments in life. They will believe in you even if everyone doesn’t.
Being friends with someone who’s too familiar with the feeling of loneliness will do their best to not let you experience what they are constantly battling. They will give light in your life when you’re lost. They will hang out with you when you’re heartbroken. They will watch movies with you when you can’t sleep at night.
People who constantly feel lonely just want to find home in someone’s heart. They want to be welcomed and be respected by what they think and what they feel. They want to know that someone can relate to them.
They want you to accept them. Make them feel less scared. Stop their thoughts from destroying them. And tell them that they can count on you.
Give them the freedom that they need sometimes. Fill their souls with your love. Inspire them to overcome their struggles
And lastly, let them know that beside you, they can always feel like they belong.