​To my infinity and beyond, the mate of my soul and eventually my happy ever after.

To my infinity and beyond, the mate of my soul and eventually my happy ever after.
I can still vividly remember the times when I prayed to God, I asked him to give me a man who can truly love and take me as I am, someone who will always be there to motivate me, encourage me, support me, and cheer me up to strive for the best. Someone who can be a buddy, protector, and a lover at the same time. And then I met you, and all of a sudden you came into my life. Indeed, God gave me you. He gave me someone irreplaceable.
I can still recall how a man like you suddenly changed my dull world into something wondrous. You’ve even taught me some amazing things that helped me realized that life is a wonderful journey and there’s so much more to live for.
I also remember how you set my heart in motion again. Thank you for enfolding my weird and ugly sides. You have been my greatest fan since day one. I can’t thank God enough for giving me someone like you who never tend to give up on me. I can’t promise you the entire world but I will always be here through success and failures, to have and to hold, through the good and bad times, to give you a hand to hold and be your shoulder to cry on when you failed. Thank you for loving me when I thought nobody would. I am not the best girlfriend, but I promise I will do my best to give you everything. 
I love you with every beat of my heart. I promise you will never stand in this world alone, because from this day on, I will always be here for you in every storm and sunshine no matter what. I will always be your girl. I know there’s a lot of love stories in this world that God has made, but ours is one of the best and it’s my top favorite kind of love story.