​To The Man of My Dreams

I used to think that you were just someone living in my fantasy. Someone I’ll never find nor have. Someone who doesn’t exist.
You came out of nowhere. You gave me a reason to take risk and fall in love again. You were someone I never thought I would fall in love with. Someone I never saw coming into my life.
You were my male version, a guy whose heart has been also crushed by the woman he thought was his true love, also betrayed, hurt by her selfish decisions, you’ve been through to what I’ve been through.
We both know the feeling of being betrayed, of a trust being break, of getting hurt, of being in pain because of infidelity, of hoping for a change that will never happen, of waiting for him/her to learn from his/her mistake but they never did instead they repeat it for the nth time without thinking of the pain it will cause us.
At first I was afraid, afraid to feel the pain again of being betrayed, being hurt but you were so gentle that your top most priority is to take care of my heart, to make me happy, to make me feel the love that I deserve. As I fall in love with you I got this fear inside me that I might also lose you, that I might also get hurt again, that you’ll get tired of me (my mood swings, dramas in life, my insecurities or rants), that when I’m loving you deeper you’ll leave me.
You always say that you’re so lucky for having me, so lucky that I fell in love with you, that of all people I chose you. You never fail to compliment me every day, to tell me how much you love me, how much happy you are because of me, how I change your life.
But you’re not aware that you’re doing the same thing on me, same effect, same feeling. You never get pissed off to my jokes even if sometimes it’s too much, you never lose patience on me. Hearing my crazy laugh makes you happy as well. 
Despite everything, all those sulky moments, mood swings and dramas you never give up even if sometimes it’s hard for you to understand me. Giving up was never your option. You loved me with those few good things about me but you’re loving me more because of my imperfections. You accept everything about me, love everything about me.
I was so lucky you came into my life, so lucky that I have what every woman is searching for. I even got luckier for being the top reason why you’re striving so hard now while enduring the loneliness of being not able to see me more often like you used to.

I never thought falling in love is as easy as this, that true love can be this pure, that this is how true love really is. You showed me so many things I used to just dream of, a kind of love that’s so powerful that can’t be ruin by any trials. You brought back everything to life. thank you for coming into my life, for putting all the effort, for loving and trusting me, for the patience you have for me, for all the memories we shared, for all the things you gave me – crafts, letters, those flowers, the sweets I like so much -cake, chocolates, etc..
Most of all thank you for making me feel so awesome, gorgeous, and very special in your eyes, in your life. Words will never be enough to show you how thankful I am so please allow me to prove it to you for a lifetime.
💌 Jl