​Do you still remember?

Do you still remember the first time I met you? 

Do you still remember the first time I saw you?

Do you still remember the first time we talked?

Do you still remember the first time we danced?
I can still remember everything about you and it sucks. 

I’ve been trying to forget you like the way you’ve forgotten me. 

I can still remember the laughters we do and it mocks. 

I’ve been trying to get rid of you just like what you did to me. 
Why must this happen to me?

Why does it have to be me?

Why can’t I be happy?

Why can’t I be enough?
Everything’s falling apart and I’m still falling for you

I did everything I could to keep you 

You did everything you could to lose me

Everything’s drifting apart and I’m still here for you 
One day you told me you love me

The next day you told me you don’t 

One day you told me you’d never leave

The next day you told me you would 
What did I do to deserve this?

What did you do to make me like this?

I’m lost out of words

I’m healing my wounds 
Do you still remember the day you said you’d be mine forever?

That was the best gift anyone could offer

Do you still remember how things change so fast?

But you’re still there with me after every cast 
Was it easy leaving me?

Was it easy to throw all our memories away?

Does distance really matter?

Does anyone really matter?
Do you still remember when you left me without a word?

I can’t explain my feelings with a single word

Do you still remember how I begged for you to come back?

You said you would but never came back
Setting you free was my mistake 

Seeing you with someone else is my punishment 

I could’ve let you go a long time ago

I could’ve set you free years ago
Do you still remember when we missed each other?

We did everything we can just to prove that our love was strong

Do you still remember when we’re miles apart?

We did everything to see each other & to prove them wrong
Why can’t we be like that?

Why can’t we do what we did?

Why am I still holding on?

Why am I not letting go?
After everything you said,

I can still remember your sweet talks

After everything you did,

I can still remember your sweet looks
Relationshit that’s what they call it

I can’t believe you fell for it

Relationship that’s what we call it

I can’t believe you dwell with it
Didn’t know that one person can make you feel happy

Can also make you feel gloomy 

Didn’t care about what they said

All I hear is what you said
I still keep on holding to your promises 

Even though you didn’t keep it

I still keep on remembering your praises 

Even though you didn’t mean it
Do you still remember how you said good bye?

Oh wait, you didn’t 

Do you still remember how you said you’ll wait?

But you didn’t.
✉️ Grazeil Calimbo

​To All Men….

1. Before you start a relationship with a lady, you must think carefully about what you are about to do. A relationship is not something you should rush into or handle lightly.

2. Are you ready for a relationship with her?

Are you emotionally, mentally and spiritually mature to meet her needs?

3. Being sexually attracted to her means absolutely nothing. It isn’t a sign of likeness, love or any other thing your mind may come up with. It may just be your hormones messing with your mind. A woman is more than her body and her sexuality. She has a life which you should be able to blend with. Can you do that?

4. This lady has a history. Can you handle it?

She has a past. Can you handle it? Can you handle her mistakes, failures and

weaknesses? Can you handle her dreams without being intimidated and becoming jealous?

5. She already had a life

before she met you. Can you fit into and help improve her life?

6. Love is commitment. Are you ready to commit your life to helping her grow and become all that she can be, by God’s grace?

7. Is she valuable enough for you to devote a large portion of your life towards the accomplishment of HER dream? Are you ready to pour your resources into making her all the Lord plans for her to be? If you are not ready, don’t just bother.

8. Before you open your

mouth to say ‘I love you’, ask yourself if this is not just a moment of ‘emotional madness’. A lady needs much more than ‘I love you’. She needs your commitment.

If you are not ready to make that commitment that will lead to marriage, please leave her alone in peace and stop wasting her time and resources.
– Rahul

​To the guy that knows how to pretend

“I like you… I really do.”

Infatuated of what he had seen, the beautiful eyes, humored smile, and the tingling sense of having her around. He thought that she was as flawless like a girl found in dreams and fantasies.
At first, he fought for the chance to have her as his girl. Contemporarily his girl. 
“I fell for your words… now your actions”

Having to fall for your sweet personality, made her to love him so much. She let him into the darkest thoughts of her heart and even to the desires that she always hid. She drag him to know more about her that no one has ever known. She was open and true to him.
She was happy with him, she was satisfied with the relationship that both of them had fought, that both of them had treasured and made strong.
She likes it when you surprisingly hug her.

She likes it when you make silly jokes around her.

She likes all of what you could possibly give to her, she was contented and was more than enough with the love and effort you could give for her.
As days and months shed, she felt like love was fading, like a flower losing petals, one by one piece of it fall until one day all the love was cold and gone. She loved him more than the infatuation that he has felt over her. And now, she was broken and from time will recover from the brokenness she had felt.
She tried to talk to him, but he was as hard as a stone. She tried to understand him, but he was not the boy she loved anymore. He was opposite of what he had shown, he was never true and he will never be. 
He never likes being with her.

He never did love her. He was infatuated with her, the infatuation that vanished when she became true. But he was scared, scared of what may happen if he left. So he stayed, pretended to be loved and dissimulated his love.
Never true, all of it was pretending. An act of grandioseness over a girl who loved and was made broken. 
You left, the pretentious left, but I will always love how I felt when you were around.
The scars will remain, remember that you will always be in my memory. I love you.
✉️ Mica David

​Why Every Man Secretly Wants A ‘Cool’ Girlfriend‬

‪We love pretty girls – with a nice body. We also love intelligent women – humble, classy, witty, and driven. And all that stuff is great, but when we want to take it to the next level, we want a girl who is a cool chick.‬
‪It’s as simple as that.‬
‪We spend most of our days talking about important things – important things relating to work, important things relating to investments, important things relating to car payments etc. And on top of all of that, we have to spend time, keeping up with current affairs (not to be mistaken with the Kardashians).‬
‪Anyway, life is just way too serious, and we all need a getaway. And you should be that getaway.‬

‪Sometimes, we just want to talk crap with you. The more stupid the topic, the better. And, I mean, we want to discuss really dumb things – maybe we want to show you a video that’s gone viral for some ridiculous reason.‬
‪Or maybe after a long week, we want to put our feet up, turn on ESPN and have a cold beer (or Guinness). And it would be really cool if you were right there, beside us, with a beer in your hand (or if you don’t drink, just chill with us).‬
‪Cheers to that.‬
‪And maybe you don’t like sports, but it would be nice if you tried to appreciate it. We may find it annoying at first, but ask us questions about basketball – ask us obvious questions like “Who’s playing?” … ask us questions about soccer, ask us obvious questions like “Who scored?”‬
‪Just show that you’re willing to learn, and we’ll connect with you like free Wi-Fi. And if you really want to win us over, it would be great if you took an interest in the team we support. And Ladies, if your man is a New York Knicks fan… or Arsenal football club fan… he’s going to need your support. Trust me.‬
‪If you’re a hopeless romantic, I’m sure you’d really love it if, once in a while, we were to watch ‘The Notebook’ with you. So, in that same breath, we would appreciate it if, on a few occasions, you pick a movie like ‘American Hustle’.‬

‪We want you to relate to us on a different level. So, if we like playing video games, don’t chastise us and make remarks like “we need to grow up”. Instead, play a game or two with us.‬
‪Who knows – you might find that an Xbox is not that bad after all. Or, if we are playing online, and clearly frustrated (because we are losing) – laugh at us, make jokes like “Babes, you’re losing to some 12-year- old kid!”‬
‪We want a cool chick, that’s the bottom line. We know you gotta be a lady in the streets, but you don’t have to always start a conversation with “Hey boo… what’s up?”… Sometimes you can hit us up with “Yow… sup homie?” There’s nothing sexier than a lady who has a little gangster vibe about her.‬
‪So let’s talk about things like our future or securing a mortgage. We want a girl who is serious about life, but don’t forget that if we are going to spend the rest of our life with you, we want a chick that’s cool too. 
💌 Christopher Lai  ‬

​To the girl who’s ex is trying to win her back, 

I know that deep inside you wanted to give it a try. You wanted to know if he is now different. You wanted to know if he will now fulfill his promises. You wanted to know if he will now give you importance. You wanted to know if he is now a changed man. 
Nobody is stopping you from doing that. But you should consider that you have been to shit with him before. And there’s a bigger possibility that you’ll even be experiencing the same thing all over again. 
Ask yourself, is he worth the try? Is he worth the risks? Will he be worthy of another chance?Contemplate. Follow your brain this time because your heart failed you the last time. 
Words by: Truth Slap

​To My Almost Lover 

‪I’d been at this place before and I worried that I was giving away my power. Again.  But after reviewing our story with eyes wide open, I felt that I needed to do it. Carrying around all this sadness and disappointment was really wearing me down, and I felt like it was time to finally move on, to accept, and to forgive. Well, he wasn’t really my Ex, he was my “Almost-lover.” But regardless, we had been in and out of each other’s lives for years. We met through our friends, and since then we hang out, we chill and we go out of town with our friends. The pace was fast and fun loving; my relationship with him was adorned with “red flags” from the start. It was unhealthy and lacking in any formality of trust.‬
‪I don’t fall for men easily or often, but somehow I fell for him. He was confused about what he wanted; he was lost. But I thought he cared about me; I thought we cared about each other. He asked questions, and he listened thoughtfully to the answers; he understood me. He wasn’t intimidated by my independent, ambitious self—he admired it.  We liked the same things and sang the same song lyrics.‬
‪But the problem with him was that he had other girls in his life; and he couldn’t figure out where all the girls fit in, or who to commit to. So I became his “I’ll talk you when I’m bored” and “I’ll be with you whenever I want to” Never in my life did I think I would participate in that type of arrangement, but I had lost control. I was all in, and so I decided to hold on; I held on for years, in fact. Even after we no longer see each other for months, we stayed in touch. Sending each other selfies and “I miss you” and “I wish you were here,” messages on the regular. We video call all night and sometimes until morning until we fell asleep, we talk about our day, we rant about our life, and we smile, stare, and laugh at each other through the screen.
‪I held on tight, even when my hands started to bleed from the gripping because I desperately wanted to believe that one day he would finally look into to my eyes and ask “I want commitment. I want to be with you.” But the calendar pages would flip by, and there was always some reason why he wouldn’t or couldn’t commit to our relationship.  Still I continued to tell myself if I just hung in there he would eventually figure out how amazing I was. I was forgetting that people don’t change just because you want them to, or will them to. There are times I almost got tired of him but he continued to send me mixed messages and, signs of admiration and seemed to play along with my fantasy. I held all those actions close to my heart and said “He wants to be with me; he’s just lost right now.”‬
‪And then it happened—another knife to the heart. I came across on his Facebook, he’s talking to a girl the way he talks to me, he also calls the girl the way he calls me… And I realized this: this was it, I was done. I confronted him but he lied, he played innocent. I didn’t argue with him because I know it’s pointless to argue with a liar. But in my mind I screamed at him for playing mind games with me for years. So we stopped speaking. Life went on. And I wondered how it was even possible that he and I got to this point. He should have been out of my life years ago, but I always fought with myself to leave a door open so he could walk in and stay. This is not the first or even the second time I have cried and screamed at him in my mind. But just like I tell myself I’m not going to eat candy anymore, I always go looking for it in the cupboards late at night. I always crawled back to him. I took a screenshot of that Facebook post to remind myself that this time would be different. He was never going to commit to me. And we were never going to be together. He would be my almost-lover.‬
‪I came to the realization that though you may think you should be with someone, it doesn’t mean you are meant to be together; we both contributed to this relationship’s demise, and I set myself up to get hurt over and over. I walked out into traffic and hoped that the cars would miss me.  I was wrong for holding onto him and not moving on. He was wrong for not letting me move on, giving me mixed messages and lying to me. But even our relationship was a guise. I started to feel like I needed to offer him my forgiveness. I made him into something, in my mind, that he never was. So I decided I needed to tell him I forgive him. I forgive him for keeping me up so many late nights wondering where he were, what he were doing, who he were with because he wouldn’t bother to tell me. I forgive him “it won’t happen again” when it always did and the “give me another chance” when he truly didn’t deserve them. There is no hope in holding onto the anger and sadness of something that was not real. Holding a grudge against him only harms me. 
In order to love who I am, I cannot hate the experiences that shaped me. Because of him, I am bent and broken. I may never be the same again. But maybe, just maybe… that’s a good thing. Although I will never get back the many things he have taken from me, there is one thing I have and it is something I could never have while being with him. Self Worth. I struggled with how to properly word this, as forgiving someone is ultimately unlatching the gate for that person and letting them go. We’ve been at this place before and it is a slippery slope. When you have feelings for someone it is hard to keep those dormant. In the end, I needed to forgive him, so I could forgive myself. I needed to let it go. To heal, I needed to forgive myself for giving away my power for years.  ‬
‪He taught me two very important things. One, he helped me realize that I like being loved. Two, he showed me what happens when you give away your power. It is because of him that I know what I want, what I need, and what I deserve. It’s because of him that I now realize what it is truly like to be committed and to be with someone who gives me the world without making me feel worthless. But I am not giving him the credit. I am simply saying I forgive him because he dragged me down so far, I was forced to push myself back up. I forgive him for making me believe that the never ending feeling of fear, sadness, and hopelessness was love.‬
‪I am a lot of things because of him, but I am not forgiving him because what he did was okay. I forgive him solely because what he did to me made me love myself.
💌 Abbygale Tulalian

“Maraming pagkakataon”

Para sa mga taong paulit-ulit na nagbigay ng pagkakataon pero binigo pa rin. 🙂

by: John Crisver Viesca
Hindi lang isa, dalawa o tatlo

Kun’di marami,

Maraming pagkakataon ang ibinigay ko sa’yo.

Maraming beses akong sumagot ng “Oo” sa kabila ng lahat ng pagkakamali mo.

Maraming beses akong pumayag na ituloy ‘to kahit nasasaktan na ako.
Umusad ang oras at lumipas ang araw

Mga panahong pagmamahal ko sayo ay nag-uumapaw.

Sa gabi o araw man,

Walang akong ibang iniisip kun’di ikaw.

Sa bawat araw na dumaraan,

Wala akong ibang hiling kun’di ikaw.
Simula noong tayo ay nag-umpisa,

maraming problema ang sumubok sa ating dalawa

Mga lason na sumira sa mundo nating masaya,

at mga panghuhusga na bumulag sa ating mga mata.

May mga katotohanan na pilit nating kinalimutan,

at mga pangyayari na pikit-mata nating nilagpasan.
Ang iyong boses na tila musika,

Musika na kumikiliti sa aking mga tainga.

Ang iyong kamay na humahaplos sa aking buhok at ikaw na nakasama ko sa lahat ng ating pagsubok.
Ngunit tila pinaglaruan tayo ng tadhana.

Mga pangako na bigla nalang nawala.

Mga away na naging sobrang malala.

Mga kasalanan na pareho nating nagawa na sa pagmamahalan natin ay unti-unting sumira.
Dumating sa puntong hindi ko maiwasan na masaktan sa bawat bagay na ginagawa mo.

Tipong tumatawa nalang ako upang itago ang totoong nararamdaman ko.

Dumating ang pagkakataon na hindi ko na kinaya at sumuko ako! 

Ngunit mahal kita kaya bumalik ako.
Sobrang dami na ng tiniis ko,

At tiniis ko ang lahat ng ‘yon para sa’yo.

Sa’yo na naging mundo ko,

Sa’yo na nagsilbing anino,

Anino na palaging  nasa tabi ko tuwing nag-iisa ako.
Kumusta ka na kaya ngayon?

Ako kasi, nananatili pa rin sa ganitong sitwasyon.

Wala pa rin nagbago simula noon,

at patuloy pa rin akong sinusubok ng panahon.

Panahon na hindi umayon sa ating relasyon sa kabila ng napakaraming pagkakataon.

​Here’s the answer why I say Yes

Its been a week since I said yes. I know you’re still thinking why. Well here you go, let me tell you why. If I’m going to make it simple, I just say, you’re the one who accept my flaws and love me unconditionally. Simple as that. But I know you are not convince with that. Its less than 2 months since the official day we had our real conversation and it’s like a years, because on the first day I met you, its like destiny who made us cross in each others path. We were like bestfriends when we talk, lovers on how you treat me, and a spouse on how comfortable we are. I remember our first out together, in the foodpark near our work place you and I shared our life our past and our future plans, I thought by that day that would be our last conversation because you might not accept my past. But you accepted me for who I am and what I am before. On that day, I knew you were different and time goes by, you really are extraordinary, far from the other guys I met. You were there for me, from happiness to sorrow and never leave my side. Thank you for the everyday lunch at the cafeteria, where you can go home after your shift but you still wait for me till 5.30pm just to join me for lunch. Thank you for all the jokes and funny faces when Im sad. Thank you for the late night conversation when you can go to sleep because you still have work the next day, but you still wait for me just to hear my voice. Thank you because you know how to make my day, which is food. Even you are just going to put it in your mouth but you still pack it and gave to me (that’s why I gain weight, its your fault). Thank you for all the understanding when I had my PMS. Thank you for ridding all my trips. I know you have financial problem but still you made everything possible just to go with me.  Thank you because I never felt this happiness before. Thank you because I never felt this confident and worry free to a person that tomorrow you might change your mind and find someone better. Thank you for making me feel that I am all that you ever ask and wanted to be with.  I know some will say that this are just few and little things. Yes, its just a few and little of the thousand things of how you made me feel special because that is how I appreciate all the things you do for me from simple to extraordinary. I know some will ask why its early to say yes, but I am confindently say that why should we make it a year for us to be together, its just a waste of time to hold back our feelings when we have a lifetime to show each other and everybody that forever really does exist. I know you would react to that, you thought I don’t believe in forever, well not yet but everyday that Im with you it feels like never ending because I want you to be my buzz light year (to infinity and beyond). I know we had a long journey ahead we will be having challenges soon and we’ll be having difficulties in the future but I say I am ready to face that as long as Im with you. Hope when that day come please promise me when the last choice to be appart appears, please let us find other way to make things work.
To the man who tattoo this smile in my lips, to the man who laugh at my silly jokes even it doesn’t sound funny, to the man who bares with my childishness, to the man who’ll do everything just to be with me, to the man who love me unconditionally and accpects me for who I am, to the man who made me feel special everyday, every hour, every minute, every second I love you to the moon and back. I will not love a man after you because there’s no man will be here in my heart after you. Except for our future little one
💌 Kim

​“Bumalik Ka Na”

By: Anafel Love Tumulak
Sa panahong nagkasama tayo, sobrang saya ko. 

Simula nong magbestfriends tayo hanggang sa naging tayo.
Sa piling mo akoy kontento. Wala na akong hihilingan pa, nandiyan ka na eh. Nasa tabi ko. 
Nung mga panahong magbestfriends pa tayo, ang kulit mo. Palagi mo akong inaasar pero palagi ka namang nandiyan kapag kinakailangan.
Ikaw yung tipo ng tao na ang sarap makasama at mahalin. Kaya ayun, sobrang saya ko, dahil napamahal ako sayo.
Ikaw yung palaging nag papangiti sakin. Ikaw yung unang iniisip ko sa paggising ko sa umaga hanggang sa pagtulog ko sa gabi. 
Ilang taon tayong magbestfriends, hanggang sa nagkaaminan. Sobrang saya ko, dahil yung bestfriend kong mahal na mahal ko, eh mahal din ako. 
Nagsimula tayong masaya. Pag may problema, hindi mo pinapaabot ng umaga ang away nating dalawa dahil gusto mo na bago tayo matulog, ok na tayo. 
Sobrang dami nating napagdaanan. Nalaman ng family ko na tayo. Mas madami akong nalaman tungkol sayo. Nagkaka-away tayo, nagkakasagutan pero sa huli, tumatawa, nagmamahalan.


Pero bakit humantong tayo sa ganito?
Ano bang nangyari mahal? Bakit nanlamig ka pagkalipas ng oras? Bakit ipinaparamdam mo sa akin na napapagod kana? Bakit ipinaparamdam mo sa akin na ayaw mo na? 
Ginawa ko naman lahat mahal pero bakit tila sumusuko kana? 
Inaamin mong ikaw ang may kasalanan pero bakit wala kang ginagawa upang ito ay maitama? 
Sinasabi mong lumalaban ka, pero bakit hindi ko nakikita? 
Sinasabi mong mahal mo ako, pero mahal, bakit hindi ko maramdaman?
Nasasaktan ako. Nasasaktan ako dahil wala na akong maisip na paraan upang maibalik ang dating tayo. Ang dating ikaw at ako. 
Nasasaktan ako, dahil alam ko sa sarili ko na sumuko ka na. Pero dahil mahal kita, nagtatangahan ako. Kahit kitang-kita ko na sa mga mata mo na ayaw mo na, nagbubulagan ako.
Ayokong aminin at ayaw kong tanggapin ang katotohanan na hindi mo na ako mahal, dahil umaasa pa ako sa salitang “TAYO” na nagdudugtong pa sa ating dalawa. 
Mahal bumalik kana. Malapit na akong sumuko. Malapit na akong bumitaw. Pakiusap ko sayo, bumalik ka na.
Ayokong manatiling alaala na lamang ang ating napagdaanan. Ayokong manatili sa nakaraan ang ating pagmamahalan. Pakiusap ko sayo, bumalik ka na.
Ayokong magkaroon ng huling yakap, ng huling halik. At higit sa lahat, ayokong manatiling pangarap ang ating pinangarap ng sabay. 
Mahal, pakiusap ko sayo, bumalik ka na.

​To The Man of My Dreams

I used to think that you were just someone living in my fantasy. Someone I’ll never find nor have. Someone who doesn’t exist.
You came out of nowhere. You gave me a reason to take risk and fall in love again. You were someone I never thought I would fall in love with. Someone I never saw coming into my life.
You were my male version, a guy whose heart has been also crushed by the woman he thought was his true love, also betrayed, hurt by her selfish decisions, you’ve been through to what I’ve been through.
We both know the feeling of being betrayed, of a trust being break, of getting hurt, of being in pain because of infidelity, of hoping for a change that will never happen, of waiting for him/her to learn from his/her mistake but they never did instead they repeat it for the nth time without thinking of the pain it will cause us.
At first I was afraid, afraid to feel the pain again of being betrayed, being hurt but you were so gentle that your top most priority is to take care of my heart, to make me happy, to make me feel the love that I deserve. As I fall in love with you I got this fear inside me that I might also lose you, that I might also get hurt again, that you’ll get tired of me (my mood swings, dramas in life, my insecurities or rants), that when I’m loving you deeper you’ll leave me.
You always say that you’re so lucky for having me, so lucky that I fell in love with you, that of all people I chose you. You never fail to compliment me every day, to tell me how much you love me, how much happy you are because of me, how I change your life.
But you’re not aware that you’re doing the same thing on me, same effect, same feeling. You never get pissed off to my jokes even if sometimes it’s too much, you never lose patience on me. Hearing my crazy laugh makes you happy as well. 
Despite everything, all those sulky moments, mood swings and dramas you never give up even if sometimes it’s hard for you to understand me. Giving up was never your option. You loved me with those few good things about me but you’re loving me more because of my imperfections. You accept everything about me, love everything about me.
I was so lucky you came into my life, so lucky that I have what every woman is searching for. I even got luckier for being the top reason why you’re striving so hard now while enduring the loneliness of being not able to see me more often like you used to.

I never thought falling in love is as easy as this, that true love can be this pure, that this is how true love really is. You showed me so many things I used to just dream of, a kind of love that’s so powerful that can’t be ruin by any trials. You brought back everything to life. thank you for coming into my life, for putting all the effort, for loving and trusting me, for the patience you have for me, for all the memories we shared, for all the things you gave me – crafts, letters, those flowers, the sweets I like so much -cake, chocolates, etc..
Most of all thank you for making me feel so awesome, gorgeous, and very special in your eyes, in your life. Words will never be enough to show you how thankful I am so please allow me to prove it to you for a lifetime.
💌 Jl