​You know when you finish a series of books, movies or even a tv show, you feel emotionally drained? You were so connected to the characters that they became a part of you and you absentmindedly decided to never let them go. Yet, after the series finished and you had your heart broken, the feelings started to fade and the weeks passed by. Eventually months rolled on and instead of becoming saddened by the memory, you felt a bitter-sweet nostalgia which brought mostly happiness. It’s the same way with love. You get so attached to a person and your memories with them that you doubt you’d be able to continue on when they leave. But ultimately time passes and you start to feel numb towards the pain and hurt. You’re actually able to smile when you think back about the good times and memories you shared, don’t feel guilty about this. Believe me, you’re still allowed to love the person. It might not be in the same way or how you originally thought it would be, but I promise it’s okay to care about the ones who were, or are still close to you.