
​A message for myself, and everyone, This coming 2017, be strong in all the ways that are obvious. But that you also learn that strength is found in vulnerability and weakness is part of your humanity. Have courage to face all that life throws at you. Be wise and prudent in your choices. But that you are also forgiving of yourself and others, when regret knocks at your door. Be true to your convictions even when they cause you insults, and never lose them in the face of fear. By the same token, don’t let people’s words about you influence who you think you are. Don’t allow them to make you love yourself any less. Whatever “it” is. Whether it’s a mistake you’re taking ownership of, a new haircut you’re self-conscious of, or a dream you’re wanting to pursue: just own it. This is your life. Make it what you want it to be and don’t apologize for being yourself. You are a perfectly flawed little human; you’re going to make mistakes. Focus on what you can do better rather than what you’ve done in the past. Live your life in the present, with a purpose. That each day you find meaning in that purpose, whether it’s a day filled with busyness and breathlessness or a day filled with calm. Also, create beauty from your pains and never despise them. That you know they are a part of what makes you, you. My wish for you this year is that you have lots of laughter. That you always use it as medicine. And that you learn more and more each day, and that you learn to do the same for others. Learn all the lessons you are supposed to, without any bitterness in your heart. Have a peaceful life, a life of gratitude, and unceasing hope. Happy new year. This is your year. #2017