​‪You Were My Vacation And I Was Your Home… rp

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‪Home is not a four wall enclosure or a place, it’s a feeling of security and welcome, a concept that encompasses a tangible location. And when you get into a relationship, you begin paying rents. But what if your lease is up prematurely, or the rent gets too much to bear? You are rendered homeless by the liability of the burgeoning cost, so you decide to leave once again. You, who holds a traveler’s soul and a wandering heart, journey to find the next destination you can call home.‬
‪And after all the flights that you have embarked on, you’ll come to realize that places do not make places, people make places. You step in the foots of a stranger in a foreign land, enthralled by the newness of the place, feeding in the energy of the landscape that seemingly consumes you, getting lost in a strangers’ eyes. Those people who have touched you during that short period of time you spent in those places feed you with the fantasies that you could only dream of.‬
‪That temporary euphoria of butterflies and rainbows sealed in the picture perfect moment has made what reality back home seem like a grayscale filter; a colorless, monotonous world in juxtaposition.‬

‪You become the person filled with youthful exuberance, so enthusiastic about discovering foreign lands, unravelling world’s mysteries. Someone who would prefer sweating it out in the sun than spending the whole afternoon strolling in the mall. Conquering the treacherous mountains like how you would conquer your stage. Even engaging in adrenaline pumping activities like bungee jumping or skydiving, a complete disregard for acrophobia.‬
‪Being constantly fed on high, you start craving for more instant gratification, more adventures, more dangers, more challenges. And the more you crave for these high, the more you find disappointments when people fail to consistently deliver. And you start contemplating the option of leaving once more, finding a new person, a new home, the same vicious cycle that you identify with.‬
‪You become the kind of person who chooses to take the plunge even if it scares the hell out of you, because you refuse to settle. You, who wants stability but your heart is a fleeting platform. You, who gained a sense of self, but lose sight of the people along your journey.‬
‪You, who craves for enduring connection, more than short-lived physical intimacy but choose to disengage when you can’t find the strong connection you used to have. From a mere torch, you grew to be a wildfire, too much to handle, a danger for the people around you, for you don’t know when you will decide to forsake everything that you have invested time and effort for something new, something more elusive to chase, leaving those who love you with the aftermath of burns and scars.‬
‪For the future plans crumbles into nothingness, into mere sound bites, as they watch you jeopardize the possibilities of what ‘would haves’ and ‘could haves’. Old habits die hard and you contemplate on the possibilities of security that you have become seemingly out of touch with.‬
‪We constantly chase after the idea of freedom painted by the mainstream pop culture, of independence, of authenticity. I think that wanderlust is a misused and overly romanticized concept, tried and tested. Wanderlust is a syndrome that people are constantly fed, the package of freedom and self-actualization, the pinnacle attainment of our human needs.‬
‪In retrospect, we just want to feel special in comparison to the people around us. We want people from the peripherals to take notice of our carefully curated Instagram photos, to be filled with envy as they continue to grind in their daily routines. While time stopped for you, it didn’t stop for the world. We want to be perceived as a unique individual, the reason why we often romanticize about finding ‘The One’ as an elusive concept. The one that perfectly tailors to our idea of love, like a shopping list. Time and again, it is sold to us in Disney movies, in story plots that sugarcoats what reality entails. We have sadly become a generation that confuses privileges with entitlements, deluded by the notion of taking the easy way out, deluded by the idea that love comes effortless. Love is easy, commitment is hard, especially when the world is your oyster.‬
‪Lust occurs more often than love, but when it catches up to you, it catches you off guard. With your nimble fingers, like a map, you will trace his body like a road trip, marking the landmarks as you go, getting lost, finding your way back home.‬

‪You listen to the pulse of his beating heart as you lay on his chest, thinking that maybe home can exist as a heartbeat, that maybe someone can exist as a home and an adventure all at once. The intensity of his heartbeat multiplies as your fingers subconsciously go through the motions, and you feel the sudden surge of exhilaration as he releases himself into you.‬
‪And you wonder again, is this finally home sweet home? ‬


Women love long lasting and strong relationships. If a woman loves you she won’t give up easily and she will give everything she can to her relationship. She will find reasons to love you and she will never hesitate to show her love for you. She will make sacrifices, she will compromise on things and she will go to any extent to pour out all the love she carries in her heart for you. She will almost forget to love herself in the process of loving you. But when her efforts are not noticed, cherished or being appreciated she will grow cold feet and take a step back. When she starts feeling that she is being pushed away and being taken for granted, she will no longer care. Always remember that you can only push a woman to a certain extent and to a certain limit. Never take a woman’s love and affection for granted just because she sticks to you or keeps coming back to you because one day she will stop coming back to you. You can test a woman’s patience to a certain extent. You can make her cry and you can make her try but when she is done with crying and trying she will emotionally and physically move out of your life. Once she is gone she will never be the same again and she will never come back

Save ourselves… rp

​Sometimes the only person who can save you is you.
Sometimes nobody really understands how crushed we are on the inside. We are just lost souls wandering around the earth trying to make sense of how to fill out the blank books handed to us: sentences to paragraphs, paragraphs to pages, pages to chapters.
We wake up each morning pushing ourselves to give another day a shot, hoping it will be different. We set high expectations by the time we step out of our safe havens, only to go home with the same disappointment. We get tired of waiting for something great to happen, for one big bang to boost our morale, for a fair share in spotlight to set our goals in motions.
Sometimes we think it will never really get better.
We invest everything we have to one person who treats us like garbage. We enjoy the torture of being the only one making efforts that are even larger than our lives. We keep running behind someone who won’t even dare to turn around for a second. We are desperate for validation and acknowledgement and acceptance from someone who’s honestly not just into us.
We keep forming little alliances with people who flip-flop and throw us under the bus at the first available opportunity. We are damaged human beings with trust issues that we drag along with us. We allow fear that’s lurking beneath us to make us believe that everyone’s eventually going to denounce us.
We are mistaken for begging attention and dismissed for overreacting on tiny matters. We are blamed for romanticizing our shambled feelings and we are forced to grow up. We are neglected for the sympathy and support that we need.

Until some of us are ready to give up, and even take our lives.
Because what’s there to see when our visions are clouded by our tears? What’s there to hear when all we perceive are broken covenants? What’s there to taste when everything’s bitter and salty? What’s there to feel when we receive nothing but torment? Kindly tell us, what’s there to live for when there’s absolutely no life running through our veins?
But you know what? Maybe we just need to stop feeling sorry for ourselves.
Maybe if put up a brave face to our demons they will go away. Maybe the war isn’t over yet as long as we still cling to that breathe. Maybe we should disremember everything — the good and the bad– so we can have a fresh start.
If we drop everything we’re doing and stop for one really long moment, perhaps we might realize that one day we are going to find ourselves. If we look towards the beginning of each day with empty presumption, perhaps we might end the day with no dismay.
If we stop waiting and start acting, perhaps all of our dreams might come true by now.
You see, we wreck ourselves because we keep looking at the wrong direction, we keep searching for the incompatible lover, and we keep believing that everyone’s going to hurt us.

It is us who lose in the end if we throw away the time we still have that others can’t afford anymore.
It’s not always that everything’s going to be like in the movie. There will be painful seasons, miserable ones. But we have to harder again and again. We have to stop expecting someone to knock on our doors and fly us away from our problems.
Sometimes we have to save ourselves.


​What I Learned from the Past Year
2016 had been a crazy ride for most of us and although most people look at this year negatively, I’d like to be more positive and look back on all the things I’ve learned from the past year. 
People come and go. Never allow anyone to take you for granted.
I’ve learned throughout the year that it’s really hard to please people. But I’ve also realized that I shouldn’t even bother. As long as I’m doing what’s right and that I am happy with myself, that’s enough. There would always be people who will fail to realize how amazing you are but that’s not your problem anymore. It’s their loss, not yours.
Learn to let go of toxic friendships and cut off all the negative people from your life.


Learn to love yourself because your happiness and self-worth should never depend on what others have to say.
Always remember that before you love someone, you must learn to love yourself first. You are capable of a lot of things and those who say otherwise are wrong. Never, ever think that you’re not enough or that you’re not worth it because you are.
Everything happens for a reason.

God knows what He’s doing and His plan is far greater than ours. We must learn to let go and let God take the wheel. Leave all your worries to Him and just trust His process. The minor setbacks that we come across are here to help us grow, so we must not look at our failures negatively. Instead we must use them as our motivation to become better.
The Lord is always there for us, waiting for us to call upon Him. He is always watching our every move. He has never left our side even through all the tough times. We must remember that the Lord would never give us problems that we couldn’t resolve. So whatever trial and challenge life throws at us, we must not fret for the Lord is with us and He’ll guide us until the end.
Always look at the bright side of life.

No matter what our situation is, there is always something to be thankful for. Even just the mere fact that you are alive and that you are safe is already a blessing. Cherish the little things and appreciate what you have because not everyone is as lucky as you are, but we must not forget to pray for those people who are going through rough times. Choose to be positive.
Cherish the little things and appreciate what you have because not everyone is as lucky as you are.


Learn to value and appreciate the people who are always there for you.
These friends who would never leave your side and help you grow are the best kind. Never make them feel like you don’t care for them because everyone has a limit in life. There will come a time when they’d get tired of standing by you when you’re taking them for granted. When that time comes, it may be too late for you to get them back. Make them feel your love and appreciation not only through words but through actions. Learn to put down your gadgets and enjoy life as it is. It is hard for our generation to do it because of the world we live in right now but we must always find the time to do so even for just an hour or two or when we’re with other people because as the modes of communication continue to improve, real life communication itself weakens.
Remember that grades don’t define you.

Just do your best in everything and leave the rest to God. I’ve broke down so many times already this school year just because of the pressure I’ve put on myself in academics but after talking to my parents and friends about it, I’ve come to realize that I should stop being too hard on myself. I should just enjoy what I’m doing and always, always do the best that I can. In 10 years, I’ll probably be happier if I look back to senior year and think that I didn’t let the pressure get to me but that I enjoyed every second of it.
As Ferris Bueller said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” Every day is a learning experience and I hope to bring all these positive learnings with me to 2017 and beyond. 
💌 Bea Javate

You know she loves you… rp

​You know she love you.
She love you so much that she’s willing to give you her whole world.
But that was before.
She love you but you give her no time.

She love you but you didn’t let her feel special.

She love you but she could hardly hear I Love You’s from you.

She love you but you just wasted her love.

You mean the world to her but for you, she’s just your so called ‘girlfriend’.
She’s showering you light from your love but you opened your umbrella. 
She got tired and realized things. Even if it’s breaking her, she did what’s best for the both of you. She call it quits and let you go.
But now, you see her, in the arms of someone new. 

Someone you yourself know that’s far way better than you. 

Now you see her laughing so lovely and you know to yourself that you didn’t made her laughed like that. 

Now you see her so happy. A sweet smile forming on her lips whenever she’s with that man who you knew was far way better than you.
Now you regret. You started to regret everything. Regret why you wasted that precious love she once was giving to you. Now you’re blaming yourself for this heartbreak that was kicking on you. 
And you know you should’ve gave her time. You should’ve let her feel the love that she deserve. You should’ve not opened your umbrella when she was giving you light. 
Now you’re regreting everything. Regreting that you didn’t love her the way she loved you before.

​You know when you finish a series of books, movies or even a tv show, you feel emotionally drained? You were so connected to the characters that they became a part of you and you absentmindedly decided to never let them go. Yet, after the series finished and you had your heart broken, the feelings started to fade and the weeks passed by. Eventually months rolled on and instead of becoming saddened by the memory, you felt a bitter-sweet nostalgia which brought mostly happiness. It’s the same way with love. You get so attached to a person and your memories with them that you doubt you’d be able to continue on when they leave. But ultimately time passes and you start to feel numb towards the pain and hurt. You’re actually able to smile when you think back about the good times and memories you shared, don’t feel guilty about this. Believe me, you’re still allowed to love the person. It might not be in the same way or how you originally thought it would be, but I promise it’s okay to care about the ones who were, or are still close to you.


​Why did I choose to stay? 
Through all my life, I’ve been cautiously chosen and deciding what way should I take. I’ve been keen to things I want to do and the chances life gives me.
And through all my life, even though I was reflecting and being cautiously thinking, I still made a lot and lots of mistakes.
But choosing to stay by his side is not one of them. 
He is one of the most significant people I met this year. He made my 2016 memorable. 
He is the only man who made me feel like I am just an option but at the same time his first priority. Why? He still has a girlfriend that time.
Sad, right? 
I was the girl who was there whenever he is at his downfall. I was the girl who acted like I was his girl. And she? She was the one who broke him while I was healing his scars and wounds from the chaos she is causing him. 
He was careful not to hurt his girl and he was anxious not to hurt me. 

But we all know, you must sacrifice one in order to make another happy. He must choose between the two of us, whom he wants to be with. He can’t make us both happy. If he chooses his girl, he’ll be in deep trouble because I know his girlfriend. She is already happy with someone else. I saw it, she had already chosen someone else instead of being with him. She had already fallen out of love to their 10 month relationship. He was close to giving up to their story.

But I was the one who tried so hard to fix him even if she is breaking him. He chose her, even if it was too heart breaking on my part, I still chose to stay by his side. Even if it was the cause of my pain, I still chose to stay.
I don’t know why, but I have this keen thing that I really adore things that are broken and needs someone to fix it. He was too broken and aching in pain so maybe, that’s my excuse in staying. Just maybe, my excuse in staying. MY EXCUSE IN STAYING BY HIS SIDE. I chose to fix him, his heart, his confidence, his trust in love, I chose to fix his whole being that’s why I stayed. Even if it was the main reason why I was killing my heart in deep pain. Even if it was the cause of all of my tears, I still chose to stay.
He also stayed by my side, thank God for that. He was somehow loving me in a way that is not usual with my past relationships. Maybe some of you think I am a flirt and a relationship-wrecker but I was not planning to be like one. It just happened. I just want to be with him and fix him in any way possible. Maybe some of you think that I am too desperate, but I am not. Please, I am just a woman who wants to be with someone who needs to be saved. I need to save him. He was barely breathing from their relationship. 


But we all know that our will to stay with each other’s arms will stick us up in the middle of destroying a relationship. I never wanted to be a bitch or a relationship-wrecker but it just happened that I was into healing and fixing him and I didn’t realize I was already falling for him. He was too. He was falling out of love to his girl and slowly making a way to be with me. Crap, it was my fault. I ruined their broken relationship. 
But loving someone who is broken is like holding tightly a knife on its pointed part and stab it many times on your own body. Fixing him was never easy. Being with him was never easy. Until such point I already forgot how to be contented with my own relationships in life; my relationship with myself, my relationship with my family and friends. Until I forgot how to be alone and love myself next to God. 
Until I got tired fixing him and left him. Not for someone else but for myself. To save myself from the pain he already caused me and to prevent myself from being crushed by him. From the agony that will start if I will stay longer. Until such point I was the one broken and who needs someone to fix. I crashed and broke myself with what happened to “our relationship”. And he? He was already fully recovered from the pain his girlfriend caused him, err… ex-girlfriend. He left their relationship for me, perhaps. I assume. He chose to be with me instead of being with her. He chose to stay by my side than hers.
And he never stopped pursuing the broken girl who helped him to be a better man. 
He stayed even if I pushed him away. 

He stayed even if I left him in the middle of his fall in between of our own little world.

He stayed because he wants to be with me and not because his girl left him.

He left her, to be with me. He left their not working and broken relationship to pursue me…
So, why did I choose to stay? It’s all because of I want to be with him through  thick and thin.. Even if our start was a bit rough and bumpy. I stayed because he made me happy even if he was the main reason why I was totally broken before. I stayed because I simply love him,  I didn’t expect it at first, but slowly by slowly, I was already falling for him. I stayed because I am completely into him now. I was born independent, but now I don’t want to be independent because I want to be with him. And now, if you’re going to ask me why did I chose him even if he destroyed me, I would simply smile. 
There are no words to explain why. He was somewhat my Yin Yang. He was the one who broke me, and at the same time healed and fixed me. He made me believe that love is not always as easy as standing up or sitting on a chair. Usually love is much more complicated than math problems that I always solve in school. 
I chose to stay, to be with him because I love him. 
I chose to love him. 
I chose him to be with always. 
I love him. It was never planned, it just happened that I fell completely in love with him.

Unofficial man

​Unofficial Relationship
Let me take a guess. There’s this guy in your life right now, but he isn’t your boyfriend and you’re not his girlfriend, but it feels like you two are basically a couple at the same time because you guys practically act like a couple. You guys call each other “babe” or “baby”, you guys go out on dates, you guys sleep together, and even argue like a couple, right? You probably have your clothes, your make up, your random belongings, and even your own toothbrush at his house, right? So you’re both still single, but in an unofficial relationship. Even though you’re not his girl, you’re only loyal to him. You know you only want him. That’s the the only guy you care about. You’re not confused about how you feel about him, but you’re confused about how he feels about you because as perfect as it feels with him, you’re wondering why you guys aren’t official yet. Why hasn’t he asked you to officially be his girlfriend? What’s holding him back? How come he isn’t ready yet? How much more time does he need to figure it out? Is there another girl he’s talking to? Or maybe there’s multiple girls she doesn’t know about? And when you guys fight, it’s because there are other girls involved and he always uses the “We’re not even together so I don’t know why you’re mad” excuse, or maybe he used the “She’s just a friend” line without realizing that you and him are also just “friends” and look how you two are. This has been going on for months, and right now, you’re starting to get sick of it. You’re starting to feel like you’re wasting your time. You’re starting to feel like it isn’t worth it anymore. 
If he hasn’t made you his girlfriend yet after all of this time, then I’m sorry, but he never will. It shouldn’t take months for a guy to figure out if he wants to be with you because when a guy wants you, he will make you his. He wants to have you and be single at the same time, but he doesn’t understand it can’t work that way. At least, not with you. At this point, you’re considering to end things, but a part of you wants to wait just a bit longer to see if he’ll finally come around because the truth is you’re in love with someone who isn’t yours.

Rp…​You Deserve A Love That Changes Everything You Thought You Knew About Forever

You have to wait for the love that makes you heart stop.
That shakes you to your core, that you feel emanating in your fingertips and your toes. That takes your breath away and keeps you up at night. That gives you butterflies and palpitations and makes you question your own sanity. That makes your mind race and your adrenaline pump and causes you to do things like answer 2 AM texts and run towards someone in airports.
You deserve a love that makes you wake up. That makes you restless. That ignites you.
A love that makes your entire body remember what it means to be alive.
You deserve a love that challenges you.
That has back and forth, and static, and heat and passion and everything that keeps you on the edge of your metaphorical seat. That keeps you guessing in the most exciting ways and pushes you to be better, to be more, to be someone who you both are proud of. That is never stagnant or complacent, or boring or average.
You deserve a love that feels like magic. That feels like an adventure. That feels electric.
A love that is worth fighting for, and that is incredibly exciting every day to do so.
You deserve a love that makes you believe in the good.
That makes you relate to love songs and smile for no reason when walking down the street. That makes you see poetry in simple things like holding hands and falling asleep side by side on the couch. That warms your heart and your soul and turns you into a person who you never thought you would be. A person who loves the idea of how in love they are.
You deserve a love that makes you see things in a tint of rose and be unapologetically happy. That makes everything you’ve gone through before feel distant, unimportant, and like a memory you can barely recall.
A love that makes anything other than the “good” completely and utterly irrelevant. 
You deserve a love that you don’t have to question.
That you are certain of, that you believe in 100%. That you never fear losing and you don’t see obstacles and instantly see its desolation. That you see as strong. That you see as sure. That you see as steady.
You deserve a love that doesn’t ignite thoughts of panic, of uncertainty, or questions.
A love that never makes you unsure of where you stand. 
You deserve a love that changes everything you’ve ever known before.
That takes everything you thought you knew, and flips it upside-down. That spins you out of control and makes you realize that real love, true love, meaningful love is unlike anything you ever thought you would see in this lifetime. That makes you painfully aware that everything you’ve ever considered about love before was misinformed. Or cynical. Or tainted.
Or just plain wrong.
You deserve a love that changes everything you ever thought you knew about love before.
A love that makes you a new person. 
Because that love with change you for the better. And it will change you forever.
And it’s the love that you truly, wholly, and fully, deserve.
💌 Claire Windsor

I want cuddle a lot.. 

​Porket magkatabi kayo sa kama, sex na agad gagawin? Ano ba naman yung cuddle diba? Langhapin mo buhok niya. 🙆🏻 Kiss mo siya sa forehead. 💋 Yakapin mo siya ng mahigpit. 👫 Iparamdam mo yung love 💑 hindi lust. 😷👉🏻👌🏻💦Ibulong mo sa kanya na mahal mo siya. 👂🏻💏 Magkwentuhan kayo ng mga kung anu-anong bagay. Lambingin mo siya. Nose to nose kayo. 👃🏻☺ Kilitiin mo siya ng pabiro.👌🏻 Titigan mo siya. 😲 Yung tipong kikiligin siya sa tamis ng mga titig mo. 😄 Maraming pedeng gawin habang magkatabi sa higaan. ☺ Ihele mo hanggang sa pareho kayong makatulog. 💤 At sa pag gising niyo matutuwa yun, 🙈🙉👌🏻 Kasi, mare-realize nyang di sa lahat ng oras libog ang pinapairal para lang maging masaya ang gabi niyo. 💏 Mas nakakaproud yun para sa kanya na kahit nasa iisa kayong higaan, para parin kayong nagliligawan. 😍